Selling stuff on Craigslist (or classifieds in general)...


Feb 20, 2005
So I put my Bogner cab up on Craigslist, and have already gotten a couple of inquiries, and it occurs to me - what do you guys think would be a good solution to making the transaction? Call me paranoid, but I wouldn't really like the idea of inviting a stranger to my parents' home (where I'm living now) in the middle of nowhere, and going to his place wouldn't be much better. Meeting in the middle would work, except that he wouldn't be able to try it out (though if that's not a problem for him that'd be a good solution). This is my first time selling or buying anything through classifieds, and after the safety and anonymity of ebay, I find myself feeling rather vulnerable. Any suggestions as to the best way to go about this?
I was scared about using craigslist too the first time.

but really-the people aren't out to kill you. They're not a bunch of whackos :)

but if you're scared--then just have a few of your friends over at the same time. (preferably tough looking guys)

You'll be fine.

and if you're selling your gear-then why would your parents mind at all? just tell them exactly what you're doing, "I'm selling my bogner to someone" I'm sure they'd understand.

No big deal :)
Dunno if this helps, but the Mesa oversized 4x12 that I got recently was through a Craigslist listing. The guy said it worked fine, I trusted his word and it does work perfectly fine. We decided to meet halfway between our locations. My friend has also bought a few Wiis and Xboxs through Craigslist and didn't try any of them before he bought, just going on the seller's word that they were working, all have turned out to be great :)

So, the point is, from my perspective, that I would trust that something is what the seller describes. So when I show up to buy a super-advanced death ray and the seller says it works, I trust him.

006, I appreciate your votes of confidence from the buyer's perspective, I just hope my buyer is as accomodating cuz I'd prefer to meet halfway. Voltaire, I have a hard time accepting a general statement about all the people on Craigslist being ok guys seeing as how the only thing they have in common is that they search on a (rather sketchy looking) classified ads website - and I don't find it too hard to imagine that someone could just look for expensive gear for sale, try to get the address of the seller's house, come and "decide" not to buy the product, and then come back some time later to rob the house which he's been to and knows has expensive stuff in it. Unlikely, but it's enough of a chance (especially cuz it's my parents house) that I don't wanna take it. I grew up in NYC, so I'm inherently distrustful of people I don't know, AND I posted this on the NYC craigslist. We shall see...
006, I appreciate your votes of confidence from the buyer's perspective, I just hope my buyer is as accomodating cuz I'd prefer to meet halfway. Voltaire, I have a hard time accepting a general statement about all the people on Craigslist being ok guys seeing as how the only thing they have in common is that they search on a (rather sketchy looking) classified ads website - and I don't find it too hard to imagine that someone could just look for expensive gear for sale, try to get the address of the seller's house, come and "decide" not to buy the product, and then come back some time later to rob the house which he's been to and knows has expensive stuff in it. Unlikely, but it's enough of a chance (especially cuz it's my parents house) that I don't wanna take it. I grew up in NYC, so I'm inherently distrustful of people I don't know, AND I posted this on the NYC craigslist. We shall see...

I gotcha. well, it's a cab with speakers in it, you would think if he's heard a similar sized cab with the same speakers in it, he knows what he's in for. so.
I've bought a lot of gear from Craigslist over the last couple years and I have yet to have any issues. I've met people at their work, at their house, and at neutral locations, and it has always been just fine. I always prefer to talk to the person on the phone at least once ahead of time though (instead of communicating only through e-mail), because it's a really good way to judge if they sound like a competent, worthwhile human being!
I heard a Craigslist story on the local news last month about some dude going to buy an HD TV for like $800, but really he was just being lured to a specific location so that he could be jumped by some little posse of losers and robbed for $800, but I think that stuff happens so incredibly infrequently that you shouldn't even worry about it at all! Just be smart and don't agree to meet someone in an alley like the HD TV dude did.

If you are ever bored, in the "Free" section of Craigslist, make up something, and put your friend's number as the contact. My brother and his friends have done this a few times amongst each other and it's pretty amusing to watch someone have to answer his phone fifty times over the course of a day to tell people "No, the 10-foot aluminum boat is no longer available"...haha!


If someone pulls some shit, cut off their fucking face and eat it.
Always look like your going to eat their face and they're not gonna fuck around. DO IT.