People selling cracked plugins (WOW)

... and yet it's so often not there in the case of musicians.

metal musicians mostly...

the average musician that graduate from my college don't live only by music until maybe 5 years after graduating. I never saw anyone with motivation graduating and still living in his parents house 5 years after finishing his degree. most of them don't buy a house until 10-15 years after completing their degree though
How are the indie CD stores doing there? They're apparently doing pretty well here (they're the only ones I go to besides ordering my cd's from the internet, so I dunno about the bigger ones) and one just opened a couple new stores in different cities. IIRC they said in an interview that it's the big stores that are hurt most by piracy and itunes and such, the number of customers in their stores has just increased, and IIRC they said that it's increased a lot actually. It's surprising, because cd's are normally over €20 here, which was something like over $30 some time ago before the economy got fucked.

I'm kind of envious that you guys can get cd's for that cheap :( Just ordered 2 cd's which cost me exactly $75.78. OK, they were from Japan, but still.
Don't know if this is relevant, but I live in Appleton, WI. Jeff Loomis' home town. A good friend of mine grew up with him. He said that when Jeff came home for the holidays he was pissed because he wasn't gonna make any money off of his album Zero Order Phase. He said that when Jeff came home people were telling him how good it was, when it wasn't even released yet. So, if he put all that time and money into recording it and got nothing for it. Do you think he is going to record another one? And then the entire music community would be deprived of his awesome work. My thoughts.
exactly VN.... that's what people do these days.. download it and never buy it... it's getting worse, and yes, more and more good musicians just wont bother any more. i could very well have just called CM and asked to have the Loomis CD sent to me for free... but i bought it at Best Buy.... to support a great musician and because i wanted to listen to it for the rest of my life, irrespective of hard drive crashes, computer deaths, etc.. and out of my desire for him to successful in the endeavor and record another one in a year or two. i'm an oddity these days, not the norm at all. many, many, many people that could very well afford the CDs they get from pirate sources just don't ever bother to pay. i personally have long ago discarded the idea of a new solo CD of my own.... just looked up and very easily found both of my previous titles available for illegal download (reported the RS links so at least those will go down for now), and the Comments sections in the offending blog posts were loaded with my "biggest fans" that "love"/"worship" me and my playing, or so they claimed in their posts, vigorously thanking the original poster of the links. and my CDs are NOT hard to get legitimately via online ordering. i never recouped the recording costs on those CDs, and never will thanks to illegal downloading. i doubt i'll ever make another at this point... far too many people that could easily buy them just won't... they'd rather steal and seal the fact that i'll not be able to make another. lovely fans us guitarists have, eh?

not sure what the answer to all this is... but the other shoe is going to have to drop soon on this current free-for-all.... it may not though, and i'm already starting to feel dead inside about the many amazing albums that will never be made if that's the case. sure, recordings will still be made and distributed. but we will ultimately be losing far more than we'll ever be able to know.

CDs are not overprized, I can't stand this half-assed argument. it is not even an argument, just an assumption based on people who can't afford them.
I'm with James here, if CDs were $5 (and a lot already are, even below that!) each, people still would download as much as they do now.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: It is a matter of values.
If those who download so much would be as passionate as to love their music they would buy the stuff they like too.

I feel good buying CDs and stuff. It is money very well spend. Everytime. Any person who thinks different here I simply see as a naive, ignorant, selfish, anarchistic and unmoral dickhead.

Ignorance may be bliss for you here but to be fully aware of your doing and not worrying about any consequences it might have to the music industry, I'm sorry... fuck off.

Though I've noticed... it is mainly kids who think this way. Education, anyone? I'm not sure...
Yeah, I always get great satisfaction from buying a CD, though honestly more for the fact that I'm supporting the industry/scene - I really don't care that much about album art or the physical product, I always look at it once, then cram it on a shelf never to be seen again. I guess I should start buying mp3s, but I dunno, I figure it's usually like a $3 difference between an mp3 album or a physical CD, so I might as well get the CD for the ability to easily play it in my car (I have an ipod adapter, but I don't like futzing with it)
yeah of course, there's a million reasons for buying a CD, I'm just tired of listening to people who defend piracy.
I tried to keep my post short as I feel that Egan, James etc. already pointed out a lot of arguments, though I seriously feel like it is of no use.
You can't counter stupidy with logic and reason, sadly.
and it would be a funny jest Gavin... had i ever actually said that macs "never" die. having said that, i still have my PowerMac 9600 from '97 or so and it's still running, original drives and all... that is all i've ever claimed; longevity, not immortality. had a powerbook drive die once after it was only about 5 years old.... by the standards of my mac experiences, that was a young death.

but yeah... i, like most i would think, keep my media library (comprised of rips of hard media i own, and from which i do not share) on an external drive anyway... so i'm sorry boss. you do try though, gotta give ya that. "E" for effort! ;)
Id like to quote one of my favourite, now split bands.. Reuben.

"Piracy is piracy,
If you sail the seven seas or surf the net,
Record firms, they're making losses,
But they still spend it like they're making it,
It's fifty grand to make a fucking video,
And Sardy albums cost a fifth per track,
And so your favourite band,
They don't make that second album,
Dropped by their label 'cause they can't pay it back,

It killed them,
It killed them,
It killed them,
It killed them,

Well I got some news for you then my brother,
This is a buisness like any other,
You got your product, make money off it,
You count your losses against your profits,
And if you're thinking So? So?,
You don't know,

Underground, that's where we come from,
We don't wear no suits and we are not called The,
But chart success, that brings security,
You watch these brothers thinking Why not me?,
So show me where to sign,
And I'll write my name down in my own red blood,
Because there comes a time when you think a house might be nice,
And selling out don't mean a fuck, you see,

It kills me,
It kills me,
It kills me,
It kills me,

I can't stand..., (Stand... it...)
I can't stand..., (Stand... it...)
I can't stand..., (Stand... it...)
I can't stand... it..., (Stand... it...)

Well how's about you come down and I'll explain?,
Get yourself to London on the train,
Then I'll just send you home again,

Well how's about you come down and I'll explain?,
Get yourself to London on the train,
Then I'll just send you home again,

Well how's about you come down and I'll explain?,
Get yourself to London on the train,
Then I'll just send you home again,

Well how's about you come down and I'll explain?,
Lean a little bit closer, I'll make it plain,
You don't stand a fucking chance,

I'd like a job in which I'm able,
To put shoes on my feet, and food on my table,
Those nine-to-fivers, they look pretty stable,
But I get my wages from my record label,
And if you're thinking So? So? So?,

And if you're thinking So? So?,
You don't know enough about it,
Because this death is slow, (Because this death is slow)
Slow, slow, (Because this death is slow)
(Because this death is slow),

This thing will work itself out,
This thing will work itself out,
This thing will work itself out,
This thing will work it out,
Out, out, out,

'Guitarist and Songwriter',
That's what I thought I was,
I never had no dreams of being a waiter,
But these here Helmet rip-offs,
They don't but my lunch,
So I will get a real job in the office,

And I won't bother to make my music,
And I won't bother to sing my songs,
And I won't bother to get excited,
And I won't bother to get her off,

And I won't bother to make my music,
And I won't bother to sing my songs,
And I won't...,
And I won't...,

Sure... sure,
Sure... sure,
Sure... sure, (Sure... sure)
Sure..., (Sure...)

And I won't bother to make my music,
And I won't bother to sing my songs"
and it would be a funny jest Gavin... had i ever actually said that macs "never" die. having said that, i still have my PowerMac 9600 from '97 or so and it's still running, original drives and all... that is all i've ever claimed; longevity, not immortality. had a powerbook drive die once after it was only about 5 years old.... by the standards of my mac experiences, that was a young death.

but yeah... i, like most i would think, keep my media library (comprised of rips of hard media i own, and from which i do not share) on an external drive anyway... so i'm sorry boss. you do try though, gotta give ya that. "E" for effort! ;)

Believe it or not, for once, there was zero jab at you! :D i thought it'd be taken as a fond natured pop! Didn't expect facts and figures!

Just this thread needed a derailment!
heh heh, it was dead Gav, on it's way out.... and twice now it's been you that actually put it back on the rails by bumping it right back up to the top, :lol:. There's a term in American Football: "late hit".... you're the classic late hitter my friend.;)