People selling cracked plugins (WOW)

I don´t give a damn about your laws, way of life and economic system. I do agree that pirates are wrong. As wrong as fucking 16 year old girls, drinking with less than 18, use drugs, open an illegal copy of Photohop, cross the red light on traffic, download movies, see or hear anything on YouTube with copyrights, download PSP games, and the list goes on forever.

Should I ask: how many of you ever seen a Sylvia Saint video? And how much of her money came from you? She´s not an amateur, there´s a whole industry behind her movies with paid professionals and copyright content. Now, how many of you feel guilty about it?

and you are welcome... to never be a part of it. so if you're into audio production or a band as a profession... you may as well quit now... because with your own model of conduct as your exemplar, both options are doomed. if not, then by all means carry on. parasites find their own level, and even when it lowers the bar for everyone they remain the lowest.

anyone that unapologetically, and without remorse or qualification, indulges completely in piracy is a social and economic parasite. full stop.
Should I ask: how many of you ever seen a Sylvia Saint video? And how much of her money came from you? She´s not an amateur, there´s a whole industry behind her movies with paid professionals and copyright content. Now, how many of you feel guilty about it?


I don't feel guilty because I really couldn't care less if everyone in the pr0n world loses their jobs and the market dies, cuz MORE than enough has already been made to last me multiple lifetimes! :D But in theory, it's still piracy, so yes, in theory they should be compensated, just like software developers (who I do care about).
I don't feel guilty because I really couldn't care less if everyone in the audio development world loses their jobs and the market dies, cuz MORE than enough has already been made to last me multiple lifetimes! :D But in theory, it's still piracy, so yes, in theory they should be compensated, just like software developers (who I do care about).

Fixed :p
but the only thing he said he pirates was porn... so.... how does that even follow? i mean, you put words in his mouth then laughed about it.... hell, i can do that too...
Shane already said it guys - you won't stop piracy of music. Ever. Not in a million years unless everybody goes "you know, this is wrong, I'm going to stop." :lol: yeah right...

If you can hear it, it can be stolen, if it can be stolen, people will steal it. Period.

There will always be somebody that doesn't want to pay for it and will get it one way or another. All it takes is one person to a rip a cd and put it online for sharing. It just snowballs from there. It's fucked, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

006. at least Shane urged those with a conscience to not do it, and discussed potentially viable alternatives... your post is just so defeatist it's mind-blowing, especially from a guy that wants to make his living recording/producing/mixing bands.

yes, you'll never stop it, but let bottom-feeders be bottom-feeders... no need to make it seem implicit that we should all just do the same. For that matter you'll never stop terrorism... all it takes is one extremist with a bomb and it all just goes downhill from there... hey, "that's the way the cookie crumbles". we may as well just give up, eh?

fuck all that noise Mike... it's one thing to acknowledge a particular problem will never totally go away.. it's quite another to ignore it, or worse, embrace it.
I have a feeling some people like to "troll" the big wigs to get a rise out of them. I thoroughly enjoy reading the whole pointless argument.

if it truly is pointless, we may as well all close down our studios and quit or bands now... save ourselves the grief.
if it truly is pointless, we may as well all close down our studios and quit or bands now... save ourselves the grief.

Im not saying that its not a problem, I`m just saying that anyone that is going to pirate, is going to pirate, and nothing that anyone can say is going to stop it.

its something we are all going to have to deal with in our careers as musicians, or in the entertainment industry.

smart business people look at the current market, and find new ways to capitalize on the market.

of course this is a forum... so chat on!
ya think? all i have said is that it bears discussion, and that piracy as wrong. i've never once outlined any plan to "stop it", or implied that it could be totally stopped. but it does need to be curbed, and yes.. this is a forum... and that's why i'm discussing it here.
fuck all that noise Mike... it's one thing to acknowledge a particular problem will never totally go away.. it's quite another to ignore it, or worse, embrace it.

I think it is totally pointless not to embrace it. If we cant change it, why not embrace it? if you cant beatem, joinem right?

you say you know you can`t stop it, then why try and curb it? why not make the best of it and CAPITALIZE ON IT? I guarantee 90 percent of us pirate music and software at some point in our lives.

im not really trying to argue with you, or belittle you, as you are the great james murphy, but I think you are taking it too personally and need to realize that the times are changin! make the best of it bro!
oh i see... "if you can't beatem, joinem".....

first of all, this is a forum; a place where discussion and debate should take place. Inferring that someone taking the opposite stance to you in such an environment is "taking it personally" is more than just a little silly.

secondly, i DO in fact take my livelihood seriously.. which is exactly why i am here participating in this debate... even though it just happens to be the place where i decided long ago to focus my deliberately self-limited forum activity, and hardly the definitive venue for these issues.

third, how exactly does one "capitalize" on theft? please explain to me how i can capitalize on the fact that budgets are shrinking in direct inverse proportion to the growth of piracy, and my (and ostensibly many others on this board as well) opportunities to get decent paying production and mix jobs are shrinking with them.... because i'll be all over that like white on rice.

"can't beatem, joinem"... let's apply that to drugs, gangs, arson, and every other societal ill that we'll never beat.

the more i meet guys with your attitude, the more sick i feel for all of our futures... you hear "make the best of it", "capitalize on it", "embrace it", over and over from you guys.... but not one workable explanation for how to turn the negative numbers those attitudes are putting on the books into any kind of "advantage" at all.

explain to me how in any way what you are suggesting is at all different from saying that since we can't stop other types of crime that we should just embrace them all.

not going to happen, and neither will the fight against the piracy of intellectual property end any time soon, be it in one form or another. Everyone on the "let the system collapse, everything is free" side of the discussion loves to bring up "a new business model"... but we've had that since iTunes came along.... it's been successful to a large degree, but even it is suffering more and more as new people are taught that they can find music for free online, illicitly, so they just quit paying for it.

Besides iTunes every other model is still either sucking wind or outright failing to take off, and until there is a truly fair model in place to compensate the funders and creators of media content, piracy will be an issue that MUST be resisted... at the very least to the degree that eveyone doesn't simply "joinem".

yes there will always be degenerates and scofflaws that will simply pirate everything they can and not put one penny towards the music and musicians they claim to love.... yes we all have to accept that... and yes we've all been guilty to some degree or the other... that's all a given. None of those truths should lead one to a conclusion that everyone else should just follow suit.
well, sharing music isnt really illegal in my country!
My attitude does not imply a grim future for the industry, It implies that we need change. Necessity is the mother of invention. The industry needs to change. you can be a part of it, or not, your choice. but you have already made your mark on the industry.
I see downloading as a way for young entrepreneurs to make their mark on the industry just as any business person looks at problems as an opportunity. the cup is still half full in my eyes, Though I feel you think that downloading will be the end of the industry. but as long as there are smart business people, it will live on. I see this as an opportunity to stop labels from ripping off artists!

it just means we need a new approach, I am excited to find out what the future will hold, and I think the internet, and downloading will revolutionize the stagnant industry we all know!

more and more home engineers are able to record albums with a pc and free plugs, that sound as good as albums recorded with a mac pro and a protools hd rig! and they charge less! so why not record with them, then release your album online, and make 100 % profit, rather that signing with sony and getting pennys from each copy sold.

everyone should realize that artists are entitled to be paid for their services! but I feel you are a bit biased and close minded and nothing will ever change if we all had this attitude.