People selling cracked plugins (WOW)

As a lot of people here play in bands I can assume that you all know that piracy does indeed hurt the artist. I know that my band rely on CD sales for numerous things:
1. We self-financed our first release. We are in debt.
2. We need to promote our album (to increase sales). This costs money.
3. Tours cost money.
4. New/better equipment.
...and countless other things I'm too tired to type right now.

Personally, I hope that what we're seeing in Sweden at the moment will eventually make the whole industry crash, forcing a reformation with better distribution models, eventually eliminating the need for Hollywood, music labels, software patents etc. and entertainment will once again have a value.
good, now both of you can fuck off.

your attitudes = not caring one bit if the economy gets even worse, or that bands you supposedly enjoy eventually won't be able to continue and will have to give up music.. and the ones that don't quit will be relegated to putting out substandard product because there's just no budgets.

so yeah... fuck off with that noise.
Personally, I hope that what we're seeing in Sweden at the moment will eventually make the whole industry crash, forcing a reformation with better distribution models, eventually eliminating the need for Hollywood, music labels, software patents etc. and entertainment will once again have a value.
i'm gonna start a party called the GTA Party..... right now the current laws prohibit me from driving any vehicle i want to simply because i can't pay for them, thereby restricting my use of the highway system.... in my party, Grand Theft Auto will be legal and our rights to privacy while helping ourselves to any car we can manage to find unattended on a huge car lot shall not be infringed..... this will open up the highway system to the free flow of new, fancy automobiles by any and all, irrespective of their ability to pay for them! what?... who will pay for the design, manufacture, and transport of said automobiles to said lots you ask?


so these pirate party guys wanna live under a system where everyone has equal access to the same entertainment, published works, etc.... is that it?


seirously though man, what part of the question "who the fuck is going to pay for the production of the content when it's just free for everyone to take at will?" are they failing to understand? seriously, they want to fucking abolish the patent system, arguing that it "kills children in 3rd world countries".. but at least with the patent system the FUCKING DRUGS ARE BEING DEVELOPED.... a process that takes a FUCK-load of time, money, and other resources to accomplish... who do they think is going to do the research to conceive/invent, develop and produce these drugs if no one has any recourse to protect their investment??? at least under the patent system the drugs are bing developed and can eventually get to those that need them. could it be done better, and more ethically? i'm sure it could, but to eliminate the patent concept entirely and make anyone's research 100% accessible to anyone else?? no one could afford to continue developing new drugs if that were the norm.

tech note: the forum won't allow me to type the word "p h a r m a c e u t i c a l s" without the spaces.. it substituted it with "**************s"... that was weird.
Seriously, fuck the pirate party. They are trying to say that content creators have no rights. These idiots can fuck off and die, they obviously have no understanding of economics, and everything in their lives is obviously paid for by their parents.

If people want to use an alternative to Copyright law that is very self-configurable and easy to use, there is always Creative Commons, which rocks:

I plan to release some or all of my music under Creative Commons in the future. This allows for my music to flow into the market more easily, without some of the strange restrictions of Copyright, while still protecting my rights and my ability to dictate use. However, I certainly don't expect that everyone will want to do things this way - there is no right or wrong way, these are all choices! The main thing is - you have to RESPECT THE RIGHT of the creator of content to dictate its use. This decision is SOLELY up to the creator of the content - nobody else has a voice in this.
They really need to make people buy Cd's with a id or license and watermark each one, so basically you have to register it when you purchase it. Then when someone uploads it there easily found and held accountable. Pretty much what slate is doing with his project. I Know this would be hard on a mass quantity thing like Cd's but honestly something like that would be huge for the music industry and sales!

I'm sure some of you could tell me I'm totally dreaming here and this would never work and bring me back to reality on this. I can hope though right!!

Now on a side note, most of the bands I record all have burnt Cd's and mp3's and the first thing i ask them is.... Do you want to make money with your music?

They reply "fuck yea"

Then i say "well knock it the fuck off and start buying music instead of stealing it!"

People are just really selfish and just think about themselves and not how it effects others. You have to put it in perspective of how it would effect them and then they might get a clue about it.
Josh - that's basically the iTunes model. Problem is the analog loop will never be closed. If you can listen to it, you can pirate it. People have to develop a conscience. There is no other way.
Josh - that's basically the iTunes model. Problem is the analog loop will never be closed. If you can listen to it, you can pirate it. People have to develop a conscience. There is no other way.
Agreed. And in my opinion the better the ant-piracy the more you are punishing the legitimate user for the sins of the thief. That's why I was glad to see "itunes plus" arrive (DRM free, 256 aac) and I'm glad that most of my records are available that way.
Josh - that's basically the iTunes model. Problem is the analog loop will never be closed. If you can listen to it, you can pirate it. People have to develop a conscience. There is no other way.

There are ways to watermark digital media without the possibility of removing it without major loss in quality.

You just can't mass produce a medium like a CD with these characteristics, because CD are identically. But with online distribution, this would be very much possible.