Serenity Discussion


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I thought I would do something a bit different and dedicate a specific thread to each band and sticky it for a bit. This will give those that are unfamilar with the band a chance to read other's thoughts, ask questions, etc. instead of digging through a huge amount of threads at the moment.
Words Untold is such a gorgeous album. Songwriting, instrument performance, singing, everything! Probably the 3rd-biggest draw for me (after Elvenking and JO'sP). Can't wait! We're really getting in on these guys at the ground floor.
I picked up this cd about 3 weeks before Progpower and fell in love with it. What a great surprise it was to see their name announced at the end of Saturday night.
I love this band. It is true Austrian Melodic Power metal in the fullest sense of the word. Their CD blew me away the first time i heard it about 4 months ago, and I have had it in rotation every since.
I had their CD on top of my rack unopened since a week before PPUSA VIII so naturally I've listened to it since the announcement. Serenity is a Progressive band with a splash of Power, or as they define themselves "...melodic & progressive metal from Austria." Their vocalist reminds me a lot of Giacomo Mercaldo formerly of Heimdall.

I bought "Words Untold & Dreams Unlived" after listening to the sample of the song Redused To Nothingness on their MySpace page. That song is notably upbeat with a lot of Power elements in it, but Power fans be advised that it is an exception to their usual sound. The rest of the CD is definately more Prog. Fans of Circus Maximus and Pagan's Mind will probably love this.
I had their CD on top of my rack unopened since a week before PPUSA VIII so naturally I've listened to it since the announcement. Serenity is a Progressive band with a splash of Power, or as they define themselves "...melodic & progressive metal from Austria." Their vocalist reminds me a lot of Giacomo Mercaldo formerly of Heimdall.

I bought "Words Untold & Dreams Unlived" after listening to the sample of the song Redused To Nothingness on their MySpace page. That song is notably upbeat with a lot of Power elements in it, but Power fans be advised that it is an exception to their usual sound. The rest of the CD is definately more Prog. Fans of Circus Maximus and Pagan's Mind will probably love this.

So that means you definitely fell in love with it right? :lol:

I am really looking forward to this band. Everything I've heard, I have liked from the beginning.
So that means you definitely fell in love with it right? :lol:

I am really looking forward to this band. Everything I've heard, I have liked from the beginning.

I'm so glad you posted that. It gives me the perfect opportunity to say... "Bite me!"

While I may not be in love with it, they keep my attention enough that I won't be at the vendors during their set.
Serenity struck me from the first listen. It has progressive and power sides to it, but overall it is just SO damn catchy. I keep going back to this album. I wouldn't quite put it in the Circus Maximus debut class, but it is damn good, and one of my top albums of the year.

Steve in Philly
Serenity struck me from the first listen. It has progressive and power sides to it, but overall it is just SO damn catchy. I keep going back to this album. I wouldn't quite put it in the Circus Maximus debut class, but it is damn good, and one of my top albums of the year.

Steve in Philly

I wouldn't put them up there with CM either, but Words Untold hit me in very much the same way The 1st Chapter did. I think its the overall songwriting/structure and the excellent use of the clean piano that I love about Serenity.

I've tried to like these guys for the past few months cuz they seem to be popping up in the metal community generating lots of buzz...

They certainly seem competent, but it seems like it's all been done I missing something?

Rock on!
^ I've been enjoying Words Untold to the point where I put that album cover image as my windows background on my work computer. The guy who sits across the hall came over yesterday, saw it and was like "whoa! what is that?!"
Have you heard the entire album? They do have one similar track (Reduced to Nothingness), but that's it.

It's unfortunate that Reduced To Nothingness is their showpiece sample. It's definately Sonta Arctica styled Power Metal, but it's hardly representative of the band's predominantly Progressive style.
It's actually somewhat of a disservice to both the band and listeners to have that song represent their album.
Yeah but I like it. And it got me to listen to the band. I like when the band goes for some killer choral arrangements.
It's actually somewhat of a disservice to both the band and listeners to have that song represent their album.

If I would have put a pure prog metal song up as the sample such as "Circle of Life," would the normally close-minded power fans have given them a second thought or bothered to check out more? At least they had a chance this way (and I'm betting it pays off in spades in the long run).