Serenity Painted Death, Moonlapse Vertigo, or Bleak

Which is your fav?

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*lol* some great logic there.

If it was SPD vs Bleak they'd pick Bleak again I guess.

I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?
Saber Rider said:
*lol* some great logic there.

If it was SPD vs Bleak they'd pick Bleak again I guess.

Yes, but if you eliminate moonlapse vertigo from the equation then a majority of those people that voted for MV will vote for the other song off of Still Life, SPD, rather than Bleak. SPD vs. Bleak head on, Bleak doesn't stand a chance.
Luz said:
That song by Beck fucking rules.
Heh, saw him live in 2003 on a festival. And even all the oh so tr00 metal guys who were there started singing along this one.
Was a fucking good time.
:lol: How nice!
If Beck comes someday, I'll go to see him. Definately.

Brian: I know, it's just that I love bitching, now STFU. :tickled:

Saber Rider said:
Heh, saw him live in 2003 on a festival. And even all the oh so tr00 metal guys who were there started singing along this one.
Was a fucking good time.
what does rofl mean? i always think of that massage technique called "rolfing" or something. apparently, that's not what it stands for.
<crimson> said:
^ hahahahha, holy shit...geiger, you're so fucking funny, how do you do it?

maybe it's because you're a fatass, who has no friends, and spends his entire life making sigs for people and being a retard..
hes also one of the ugliest humans ive ever seen