Seriously, now... that video.


Aug 15, 2003
Visit site
I've already made it clear that I love just about every track on Wings Of Forever, but I still have to say that the Glory Tonight video is.. well... bad! What are the photos supposed to achieve? It looks really silly having the band play their hearts out in the background while all we can see on the screen is a fuzzy publicity photo. If there's action in the music, surely there should be action on the screen?

I understand the low budget thing and all, but couldn't you always use simple band footage against a dark backdrop or something? Since your lyrics are fantasy-based, it does look kind of silly watching you perform in what looks worryingly like someone's back garden.

Also, in my opinion Far Away would be the obvious choice for a single, because it does what a single should do - grabs the listener's attention. Glory Tonight is a great track but it doesn't have the same personality and vibrancy that Far Away has. Also it's shorter which is good for appealing to the more casual listener.

I don't want to sound unnecessarily critical, but I feel that in its current state the video just doesn't do the band or the song justice.

For those that haven't seen, the video is here:

Make no mistake, though, I'm confident the Quest WILL go on. :cool:
It's just a bit of fun that video mate! Larking about in the studio! The REAL pro video will be on the new album mate. It features the track "Edge of Time" with the band playing in the studio and also has interview footage with the band members as well!

You may also notice that you don't see much of me in the video, as the guys were doing that while I was busy actually working.....hahaha!

Fair comment though mate!
i agree the photos are a bit lame but....:erk:

the video was made on the lowest budget ever like ZERO !

its a tongue in cheek put together and something we never had on the site for fans who want to see some new photos and a bit of moving images (i had the video camera for 2 days)

Im not Peter Jackson and never will be ..... :)

Im not sure if you noticed Alessio is playing a game boy in one shot and is also asleep in another

now come on mate put your party pants on

the video on the European release is great !!!!
I thought that it had a bit of a Blind Guardian 'mirror mirror' feel to it. Considering the budget it's awesome !!

I think it's ccol when bands do more 'candid' vids.

Probably be a collectors item someday :)
Hmm, I suppose on a second viewing it seems a lot better... so I dunno, I can see the appeal for a fan, but I can't see it creating any NEW fans, which I'd have thought would have been your objective.

I'm looking forward to the Edge Of Time video, though, obviously.
From one fan here speaking out, I feel it was a wonderful job that Steve S. did for us "Questers" and I am very grateful that he took the time out of his busy life to do this PQ video. I am ONE thankful Fan. I am most pleased with your work Steve S. The photos were tasteful. I laughed when I saw Alessio playing a gameboy, I was thinking he was finding some glory killing some evil creatures on a gameboy..:p I have it saved. THANKS!!!

PQ ROCKS!!!!! :yell:
