Seriously Feminists, WTF?!?!

Slight change of topic here, I posted something similar from a "femenist" a few months ago on Facebook, didn't realize the notion was well accepted and would actually make it into legislation.

Sweden, seriously, WTF?

Again, you're blowing this out of proportion.

1. This isn't feminism, this is retardation.

2. Where does it say that made it into legislation? It's a radical proposal, not a law.

2. Sweden WTF? Not "one local political party in one area of Sweden with a relatively extreme agenda to begin with" WTF?
Maybe it is because instead of trying to be best at what women do best, they want what they can't have - to beat men at what men do best...


I agreed with most of what you said up until there. Seriously, do what you're best at regardless of gender roles. Yes, some feminists will forever be unhappy because gender equality is some sort of sick game to them. On the contrary, I consider myself a feminist and I'm happy. I cook some bad-ass meals, clean the house, please my man and can't wait to pop out a kid or two and be a mom. But before having a family and fulfilling my supposed "role as a woman," I'd like to have a career for financial cushioning and so that my future husband will not feel obligated to be the sole provider in the family, or if something happens where I NEED to be the breadwinner, I'll be able to cover it. And honestly, with my education and the school I am attending, I feel I beat some preconceived notions of what most men should be best at. Graduated top of my class, couple of degrees and speaking a couple of languages, etc. And if my education doesn't lead me to the job I desire, I'll become a train engineer or a conductor (largely male professions, but hey, I like riding trains) AND I'll be making $50 to $60 hourly wage upon entrance and getting union benefits.

So, nyah :P

What are you doing with your life, Broseph? :)

What i said was on a statistical level not on an individual level.

Sure there are some single, rare exceptions to the rule, but on a mass scale there are some things women are better at and some things men are better at and trying to fight with that reality is like trying to fight with gravity - only failure, frustration and unhappiness awaits.
What i said was on a statistical level not on an individual level.

Sure there are some single, rare exceptions to the rule, but on a mass scale there are some things women are better at and some things men are better at and trying to fight with that reality is like trying to fight with gravity - only failure, frustration and unhappiness awaits.

Mr. Daily Mail would like his newspaper back.

You might want to ease up on the statistics. A: They can easily be manipulated and B: People who live their lives based on statistics lead quantized, boring, soulless lives.
You might want to ease up on the statistics. A: They can easily be manipulated and B: People who live their lives based on statistics lead quantized, boring, soulless lives.

A. Raw data can't be manipulated, only interpreted correctly/incorrectly.

B. Statistics are useful tool for scientific studies which often tell us how to live more efficiently.
In Mutant's defense, Poland really is like the perfect combination of German technical efficiency and Russian lack of humanity.

Yeah, also I'd like to add that the former Soviet Bloc, Eastern Europe as a whole (not so much Poland though) are still sort of backwards compared to the more protected/guaranteed feminine condition in nations like France, England, Germany, etc. There still are many barriers problems concerning the legal protection of victims of rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, etc. The rape and murder of the Ukrainian 15 y-o, Oksana Makar is a perfect example of this. Poland is still better off, but I would not be surprised if there are still major struggles regarding dealing with the social circumstances that can precipitate violence in the family. (i.e. alcoholism, drug usage.) I know this is a definite issue having frequent interactions with recent, working-class families from Poland in Brooklyn. Idk though for other people residing in Poland currently.

Also, I'm like a 1/4 Polish (2nd generation on my maternal side) and these were hard-core issues that needed to be confronted on a generational level within my family (grandfather, great-uncle, great-grandfather) Not that this is representative of all Polish-Americans, but it's a problem.
While I do agree I have to clarify that my statement was fully tongue-in-cheek and busting Mutant's balls (tongue-on-balls?) more than speaking about conditions of women's rights in the area.

It's a common trend in former Communist countries, where out of nowhere women were given status equal to men in legal terms, but no real efforts were made to change more cultural and archaic attitudes towards gender roles in the home and community. Now that I am studying Russia and Eastern Europe, I am finding similar trends. Reconceiving Women's Equality in China highlights what I am talking about, it's really fascinating: [ame][/ame]
Again, you're blowing this out of proportion.

1. This isn't feminism, this is retardation.

2. Where does it say that made it into legislation? It's a radical proposal, not a law.

2. Sweden WTF? Not "one local political party in one area of Sweden with a relatively extreme agenda to begin with" WTF?

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
Yeah, also I'd like to add that the former Soviet Bloc, Eastern Europe as a whole (not so much Poland though) are still sort of backwards compared to the more protected/guaranteed feminine condition in nations like France, England, Germany, etc. There still are many barriers problems concerning the legal protection of victims of rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, etc.

I see exactly the same shade of green on Poland as in USA.
Data possibly skewed/void due to actual security of women increasing the reported instances of gender related crime (or whatever the data is based on?)....?
Eek, sucks to be a woman in Macedonia apparently! (relative to the rest of Europe anyway) I wonder why?

Civil war during the Daddy Bush and Clinton years, related to the conflicts in Albania, Serbia, Croatia, etc. In addition to other war crimes, many women were raped en mass, the whole Southeast is still trying to recover from that mess, although nations like Croatia are budding tourist playgrounds for Americans and Western Europeans.

I see exactly the same shade of green on Poland as in USA.

Also, no offense to anyone, but whose saying some of the social policies regarding women's condition isn't backwards in the US? I'm speaking purely from the standpoint of fair access to birth control, abortion policies (which I've been told is outlawed in Poland?) Although that wouldn't explain Ireland (abortion outlawed)
IDK much about abortion, but i think it is outlawed except pregnancies from rape cases and pregnancies endangering life and/or health of the mother.