Seriously Feminists, WTF?!?!


Den Mørke Natt
Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
Was trolling around the interwebz (on a site that is not to be talked about "wink wink") and found this little YT videya.

Thought, hmm, just some stupid feminist. Went to the kickstart page...


How the hell do you manage to get that kind of money in donations to play video games and make 5 fucking videos (ooh I am sorry 12 now)? Sounds like a very successful troll scamming people for money. We should make a Sneap Forum "Maleogyny" project about the sexism of Males in video games, and split the money if it is that easy trololololo.

but seriously dude, idontwanttoliveonthisplanetanymore.jpg

Regardless, this response videya was pretty funny:

Thoughts gaise?

inb4 "bitch needs to get some dick", I already know, but I sure as hell ain't giving it to her!
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ALSO: Feminist Jokes (A couple to get started)

What the fuck was a Playstation doing in a Kitchen, playstations don't belong in a kitchen, they can't make sandwiches

"Tits are red
Violets are tits
I like tits
Tits tits tits"
Basically, and she is doing it so she can cash in to tell us men about what pigs we are.

Somehow I think if this gains traction in the femenist movement that they will start heckling politicians to pass "anti-misogynist" bills for game developers. If they did, they are fucking with my bread and butter, you don't take out sexy tits in games.
I don't find anything particularly grating or facepalm-y in her intro video, and I can certainly see where she's coming from - gamers have traditionally been a pretty dude-dominated demographic, so inevitably many developers are gonna cater towards that with T&A. I dunno, she doesn't come off as some crazy man-hating dyke, so it doesn't bug me :shrug: On the other hand, I couldn't make it more than 30 seconds into that video of the awkward bald dude before bailing.

That said, I think it's safe to say that dudes in video games fall into just-as-predictable stereotypes.
Yeah, because Male characters in games don't conform to extremely exaggerated gender stereotypes at all......

Yeah, because Male characters in games don't conform to extremely exaggerated gender stereotypes at all......

That's exactly what I am saying. If a few select of us guys wanted to play the victim, we could say, those hulking heros make us normal men feel inferior to their attribute including the ability to attract better (not looks BTW) women than we can.

But no, most normal men and women get the stereotype paradigm, some movies and most games will target men, some movies target females. You don't see normal people bitching about this.

Love this quote

Woman are more powerful than they may realize. Show some leg and wink and you'll have guys eating out of your hands. If a guy were to do the same he'd be thrown in jail for indecent exposure and harrassment O: If anything it's unfair because it too effective.
It's all about exaggerated reality, video games cater to preposterously OTT aesthetic elements because confining everything to real world physical dimensions is stale, much like sampling snare drums to create one grossly large drum proportion that would never be capable in real life we overly exaggerate characteristics that naturally appear in humans to create a sort of hyper reality in video games if you will. This means that both elements of masculinity and femininity are exaggerated to cater to this (ridiculously oversized muscular development or huge amounts of cleavage/ass) to both reinforce gender identity and allow for escapism from normality; nobody plays video game to be an extension of whatever dull person they are in real life. I can see her perspective but it is massively flawed because as previously stated games are catered to dudes because of biology - theres a targeted competitive element to which it appeals, girls are wired to compete with each other in a social aspects and video games really don't usually do that at all, ergo game characters are and will always be geared at appealing to young males and the way they want to envision the world. In the real world this is what we call good marketing; you appeal to the most active demographic.

I think the feminism movement has given a lot of women skewed perspectives over what is "equal" or not, let me preface this by saying that I think women should have as many rights as men but that fundamentally on a physical level we are not equal; the chemistry is not the same, the sheer amount of testosterone running about most men sees to that. We're highly geared at being aggressive, at competing with each other and trying to fulfill various other aspects of botched heroism just to catch a glimpse of some fanny every once in a while. In the lego videos this woman made she complains that the employment aspects of "Lego City" are not catered at involving female rolemodels, well I can count on no hands how many women I've known who wanted to join the army or the fire brigade and equivalent physically demanding jobs (I am sure there are some but as a general rule men are the most biologically geared for these roles; mentally and physically). If you're selling the product you sell it to who it appeals to, you don't go after the opposite market who usually will not find it appealing. When I was a kid most girls wanted to be something socially orientated - most ended up as teachers or nurses (jobs you will rarely find men employed in - yet we don't cry foul because this is a realistic representation of what estrogen will facilitate not what the world tells women they should do; and even then they still have free will).

The counter argument to this sort of crap is that you will normally find boys are sold as disposable - nobody drags women to go out and fight wars for them. Men are expected to put their lives after the lives of women and children for example - "women and children first". After all 1 lucky cock in a room full of fannys can fulfill biological imperatives better than 1 unfortunate fanny in a room full of cocks. The equation isn't terribly well balanced at all but it goes either way and gender divisions are an inherent part of our biology. The freedom to do what you want is important but asking for the whole cake to be evenly split down the middle is perplexing because everyone wants something different relative to who they are.
I don't find anything particularly grating or facepalm-y in her intro video, and I can certainly see where she's coming from - gamers have traditionally been a pretty dude-dominated demographic, so inevitably many developers are gonna cater towards that with T&A. I dunno, she doesn't come off as some crazy man-hating dyke, so it doesn't bug me :shrug: On the other hand, I couldn't make it more than 30 seconds into that video of the awkward bald dude before bailing.

That said, I think it's safe to say that dudes in video games fall into just-as-predictable stereotypes.

+1 to all of that.
I'm okay with this video, but I'm willing only to take it at face value. I don't get the feeling that she's a man-hater, but just overly-analytical and having a hard-on over her perceived level of intellect ("my ideas contradict values pressured by mainstream media, therefore I am innovative and "smart!") Keep feelin' special, sweetie, there's another 100 bitches doing that same study in my uni's gender studies department :lol:

Also, university programs (especially in sociology, anthropology and interdisciplinary) are all over these types of studies right now, it's like the new Ebonics of academia. It's "trendy," but I'm sure in 10 years, it'll be cliche. As soon as she's done with her "vidya thesis," some one will develop a study to contradict her findings, the latter will occur for that study, ad hominem. Try bring that up in a lecture class 10 years down the road and you'll be "that guy" who everyone rolls their eyes at. I'm sure there's a shitstorm of opinions on both sides, and the video game industry is probably paying her for the PR, hence why she's making over $90K a year (play vidya = "research".) And she's cute! +1! Things like this are cliche and detract from real societal problems, I think concern of the American public should more so lie within issues of violence versus sex (i.e., a 10 year old can play Halo and GTA, but can't watch the Firefly series because on of the main characters is a high-class hooker.) Makes me rage so hard.

I'm gonna be that token female and I'm gonna rant, but I'd like to say this: fuck gender studies. It's something that should only be taken at face value, unless the study actually relates to brutal crimes against humanity via gender (child sex industry, the FLDS's "Lost Boys," FGM, breast ironing, bride-burning, child marriages, etc.) Seriously, the more we analyze one another, the more rage it seems to cause, and the more it seems to pull society apart at the seams. Let people do their own thing; let's just all get along and fuck and keep the world population going. As long as we don't end up with a rapid succession of butthurt neckbeards with depressingly inflated egos off of MMORPGs and 4chan, I think the general sense of humanity's gender roles are in pretty good shape.


Started a topic related to this a while ago:

Also, +1 to everyone in this thread, especially Owen, WinterSnow, Marcus and ratsapprentice, you guys rock.
Öwen;10314699 said:
After all 1 lucky cock in a room full of fannys can fulfill biological imperatives better than 1 unfortunate fanny in a room full of cocks. The equation isn't terribly well balanced at all but it goes either way and gender divisions are an inherent part of our biology. The freedom to do what you want is important but asking for the whole cake to be evenly split down the middle is perplexing because everyone wants something different relative to who they are.

This, this all over the place.

And maybe 1 unfortunate fanny is a room full of cock isn't suck a bad thing? I was reading yesterday that regular sex can actually tighten the vaginal muscles.

Also, unrelated, but:


Makes me laugh, every time.

ANDDDDD - an interesting read: [ame][/ame]
Öwen;10314787 said:
Can't decipher whether Freudian slip or attempt at pun :lol:

Holy shit!!! I didn't even realize that!!! Totally a Freudian slip!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Also, don't mind me if I tend to become a bitch about some topics regarding feminism. Don't get me wrong, some schools of thought within feminist ideology truly have an incredible amount to offer to society, moving towards the betterment of humanity and well as redefining gender roles for mutual benefit. But I personally know that I also get defensive because I've been around some incredibly chauvinistic men, but chauvinistic in the sense of subconscious and more a result of immaturity (all people from HS) I also like to use "chauvinist" and "egotist" interchangeably sometimes, idk if that's correct, but.... :shrug: How do chauvinism?
Gender Roles are something that do not need to be over-analyzed, feminists want to remove them, but simply put, they are hardwired into us as we have evolved in such manner that it helps out survival. Gender Roles exist in all other animals as well. Somethings men do better, and some things women do better. Studies have proven that in critical thinking and decision making groups, mixed gender groups perform better than single gender groups, while only men perform almost as good as the mixed, and women only stagger fairly behind. Turn the study around to say empathy and social communication and women murder men in these tests. Its not like these results will always be true for every individual, however, these things tend to have a norm.

Like Owen said, video game are about exaggerating life, while at the same time targeting young men, and giving them what appeals to them. To say that the message is to make men Misogynist is bullshit whining, if you are not part of that demographic that an artistic media outlet is targeting, then its none of your god damned business. If you are disgusted with the story line of video games then don't play them. The problem with this bitch is that she is actually getting game designers to change their attitude on how they make games. I am already not a gamer much because new games over the past 5 or so years have been in steady decline, you start taking away sexy innuendo clad women, the gore and violence and I really will be pissed. Like I said before, the storylines in newer games lack what they used to, I remember the old stuff rockstar, steam, bungy, blizzard and naughty dog were putting out around 10 years ago made for great games. Vice City and the Jack and Daxter (and later God of War) series games were some of the most compelling, innuendo driven games I ever played as a child, and they where great and memorable, atmospheric, as Owen put it, shaped how I wanted to see the world. The only thing comparable now are the COD series games, but I found the story line lackluster and ill thought out. Old Metal Gear Solid anyone? Now that was a classic. I feel like The Elder Scrolls games are the only ones to look forward to anymore, Skyrim was the first game in a long time that really grabed me and kept me playing outside WoW which I did for many years.
Öwen;10314699 said:
I think the feminism movement has given a lot of women skewed perspectives over what is "equal" or not, let me preface this by saying that I think women should have as many rights as men but that fundamentally on a physical level we are not equal

The bolded portion of your post indicates actual feminism; what's being described by the OP and what's displayed in the video in question is not feminism.
The bolded portion of your post indicates actual feminism; what's being described by the OP and what's displayed in the video in question is not feminism.

Hence the skewed perspectives part, I was aware and I don't disagree with that at all but suffice to say I don't particularly like the term "feminism" because it seems to signify (whether the original root motivation of the cause or not) the advancement of one sex over the other and this is why we see a fair degree of ill guised 'man hating' misattributed under the term amongst various other thinly veiled biases.