Seriously Feminists, WTF?!?!

The bolded portion of your post indicates actual feminism; what's being described by the OP and what's displayed in the video in question is not feminism.

Actual feminism is more or less now refereed to as Women's Rights Activists, which that group does more for actual matters like segregation and prejudice.

There could be a long conversation about how they are not the same thing or that they are, or self proclaimed feminists are not really feminist, or Women's rights groups are just as crazy, or its all the same group etc etc. My statement was more along the lines of day to day terminology with the Average Joe/Jane.

Öwen;10314819 said:
Hence the skewed perspectives part, I was aware and I don't disagree with that at all but suffice to say I don't particularly like the term "feminism" because it seems to signify (whether the original root motivation of the cause or not) the advancement of one sex over the other and this is why we see a fair degree of ill guised 'man hating' misattributed under the term amongst various other thinly veiled biases.

Yes Feminism was supposed to be about equality in constitutional rights to men, however like you said it has turned into more of a man hating, women need to advance over men and punish them with the sense of belief that women are superior to men. In the end the "Feminist" group has become the very evil machine they where created to destroy. Hypocrisy at its best no less.
Holy crap, I would like to say I love you guys right now, because it's metal men discussing feminism, thank you for defying preconceptions of genres and stereotypes about metal. You all rock. :D
Öwen;10314819 said:
Hence the skewed perspectives part, I was aware and I don't disagree with that at all but suffice to say I don't particularly like the term "feminism" because it seems to signify (whether the original root motivation of the cause or not) the advancement of one sex over the other and this is why we see a fair degree of ill guised 'man hating' misattributed under the term amongst various other thinly veiled biases.

Agreed; I was more using your post as an example of this.

Actual feminism is more or less now refereed to as Women's Rights Activists, which that group does more for actual matters like segregation and prejudice.

There could be a long conversation about how they are not the same thing or that they are, or self proclaimed feminists are not really feminist, or Women's rights groups are just as crazy, or its all the same group etc etc. My statement was more along the lines of day to day terminology with the Average Joe/Jane.

Yes Feminism was supposed to be about equality in constitutional rights to men, however like you said it has turned into more of a man hating, women need to advance over men and punish them with the sense of belief that women are superior to men. In the end the "Feminist" group has become the very evil machine they where created to destroy. Hypocrisy at its best no less.

Your continued use of the term feminism to represent something that it is most clearly not is what makes the average joe/jane not understand the difference and paint feminism in a negative light. I'm not saying you're entirely to blame, but you're certainly not helping. Don't call it feminism if it's just veiled misandry.

Feminism hasn't turned into anything; you're thinking of how the Feminist Movement has been so factionalized that it doesn't represent feminist ideals and can't even be called a movement anymore.

Feminism and the Feminist Movement are two very different things. Criticizing feminism or defaming it because some self-proclaimed feminists are shitty people is the same as criticizing or defaming Christianity in response to the Westboro Baptist Church - it's just intellectually dishonest, especially considering we can criticize and defame Christianity for so many other legitimate reasons. :lol:
Yes, thanks to the buzz surrounding these videos I can look forward to new and exciting games like:

Adventures of the Stay at Home Dad
The Child Support Chronicles - Yes, You Really Do Have to Pay it
The Legend of Male Servitude: The 80/20 Rule of Female/Male Equality
Men can Cook Too!
Gardening is Better than Guns
Pay for Everything
The Sims - House Cleaning Expansion
Shopping for Shoes for every Occasion
Normal Conversation 3
We're Going Out Tonight: Formal Outing
Not Farting in Public Places

Ok, I'm done.

No, don't get me wrong, I absolutely love women and everything they do, but every time I hear of a new feminist movement, it makes me seriously sad for the state of things. We're really in shit times right now and complaining about how things are is about as useful as having a dog shit directly in your mouth. It's really a case of how much do you really want? Women have about as equal work rights as they can possibly have right now. The only thing barring a woman from any job is her own personal skill or ability for it, but god forbid she gets denied a position or let go from one, it's got to be a sexist thing. Meanwhile five men have been denied that same position because they couldn't cut it either, and I doubt they will complain about it.

Women in many positions make more than men, if they are good at what they do, that's understandable, some men make more than some other men too... Working households and stay at home fathering has become increasingly more common than ever before because of this. I love that women have equal opportunity now, but it seems that some small section of the female population doesn't want equality, they want that 80/20 rule of equality, where they have way more opportunity, and that's not fair. Women already have huge sexual power over men, that's obvious, and has been mentioned before here, that in and of itself is pretty unfair, but that's the way of things and I can deal with that... oh wait, what did I just say... that's the way of things... hmm, sounds catchy.
Don't call it feminism if it's just veiled misandry.

Feminism hasn't turned into anything; you're thinking of how the Feminist Movement has been so factionalized that it doesn't represent feminist ideals and can't even be called a movement anymore.

Feminism and the Feminist Movement are two very different things. Criticizing feminism or defaming it because some self-proclaimed feminists are shitty people is the same as criticizing or defaming Christianity in response to the Westboro Baptist Church - it's just intellectually dishonest, especially considering we can criticize and defame Christianity for so many other legitimate reasons. :lol:

This, this, this, this, this. The ideology as a whole is extremely broken up and divided into factions. Going further, the definition of feminism also varies greatly based upon culture, faith, creed, etc., therefore the goals of the movement also in turn vary. Compare feminist issues at a Seven Sisters' college to concerns at a university in Tokyo or Beijing. Then examine issues within areas like South Sudan, Guatemala and Afghanistan: completely different ball game. Industrialized, first world feminism in the West (totally different from the East, btws) versus war-torn third world feminism. True intellectual feminism should not only seek to better the conditions of the feminine on a diverse, global scale, but should strive for the improvement of all individuals repressed or locked into society.
It's just sloppy usage of logic. People often simplify their arguments in order to group shit together that doesn't really belong together, just to make some point so they can feel like they're smart-as-fuck or something. It's bullshit. We're all individuals.

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The only 'feminists' I'm familiar with are the hipster-hippie-DYI chick who doesn't shave, is bi, loves the label "Queer" and makes EVERYTHING about gender issues. EVERYTHING!!!!!! Their so irritating, self centered and ignorant that I just assume that their like that because once they were out of High School, the attention well dried up and they had to find a new group of people to who love to stroke ego's and feel suppressed. Also, most of these chicks are into S&M, love the dick and love to be dominated.

Again reading far too much into everything and what is actually ironic is that this culture of complaining about purposed victim hood (and this idea that women portrayed in media should be invulnerable) actually only serves to try and paint women as victims (the idea that women are being victimised as a sex by one singular female characterisation being portrayed as physically vulnerable in turn looks very insecure), men don't even have to do anything in this occasion, the writer does an adequate job herself of painting herself into a corner.

Faced with a similar characterisation most men wouldn't utter a word, there are several severely emotionally vulnerable male video game characterisations that obviously the player is meant to build an emotional connection and sympathy for within the context of the game - the Max Payne series has always been fantastic for portraying a character on who has all dignity and honor stripped away from him and who you have to emote with and ultimately protect as well; hell even if you do fight back you still have to watch as the emotionally drained Max character gets injected with drugs and beaten senseless with baseball bats. Is that a depiction of victimhood representitive of an commentary that men can be victims as well or is it just a depiction of fallibility or vulnerability on the part of the character to be physically commandeered into that situation? Personally I'd go with the latter because not everything is a raging subcommentary on everything with an inherent bias against the sex of character the plot uses.

I find the idea that female characterisations shouldn't be vulnerable as silly because ultimately it isn't representitive of real life (something the writer clearly has problems relating to - because being human isn't about being a victim - it's about being fallible - both emotionally and physically which can in turn make you vulnerable both as a male and a female) and this can also extend to male characters and usually makes for a better experience when it does - theres nothing better to sever emotional involvement in a video game than to role in with the god mode enabled and gun the shit out of everything. When I no longer want to help protect the character the game has usually failed. Badly.
Your continued use of the term feminism to represent something that it is most clearly not is what makes the average joe/jane not understand the difference and paint feminism in a negative light. I'm not saying you're entirely to blame, but you're certainly not helping. Don't call it feminism if it's just veiled misandry.

Feminism hasn't turned into anything; you're thinking of how the Feminist Movement has been so factionalized that it doesn't represent feminist ideals and can't even be called a movement anymore.

Feminism and the Feminist Movement are two very different things. Criticizing feminism or defaming it because some self-proclaimed feminists are shitty people is the same as criticizing or defaming Christianity in response to the Westboro Baptist Church - it's just intellectually dishonest, especially considering we can criticize and defame Christianity for so many other legitimate reasons. :lol:

What I meant was I have always experienced that to the average person, Feminism is synonymous with the feminist movement, as if the common definition of the word has changed, much like gay/fag/queer etc. I think that has a lot to do with that fact as Jake said, women today do have equal rights in the discrimination category, among other things, and that other than a select yet small percentage of Misogynist men, everyone wants equal rights among the sexes, the only people that claim they want women's suffrage and equal rights are, in a broad sweeping statement, virtually all apart of the feminist movement.

How often to you hear someone call a female a feminist and NOT mean a female of the "feminist movement". Yes, I do agree with you, Feminism and The Feminist Movement are two very different things realistically. Culturally speaking, my statement applies to the US, and not necessarily and other country.
Using the words gay/fag/queer as an example do nothing to back up your point - those are pejorative words that still should not be used in daily speech just as my pals, kike, wetback, chink, etc shouldn't be. The fact that people use them frequently to mean other things doesn't change their connotation, etymology, etc.

I hear people use feminism in the proper sense all the time, it just isn't coming from politicians/pundits/newscasters. Same thing goes for socialism, communism, atheism, darwinism, etc. Just because lots of stupid people use a term incorrectly and don't understand the basic ideologies implied by the term doesn't mean that we should allow that to happen and become a commonplace use for otherwise normal terms. This is like the stems vs raw tracks debate all over again.
I have always been amazed at how the feminist girls (I'm talking the activist ones, or those who have this "let's switch roles in our society" attitude) just don't realize that if we are different socially, it is not a random result. No matter how hard you try, most women will find a need, and also a pleasure, in keeping the house tight or preparing food, and the man will find the need to be in charge of the screwdriver and will want to fix his car himself.

No one decided guys will prefer blue and girls will prefer pink. Sure, you can experiment by forcing newborns into the contrary, and you will probably succeed, but if gender social characteristics and preference have risen, it's mostly by nature/selection/probabilities/time.

That is why right from the beginning, trying to force men and women to be equal in EVERYTHING is a fail, it will just not work, because our chemistry in the lowest level is totally different and these are obvious factors.

I think we're living in an era that is the first reaction to the wave of women's right liberation. This was a very good thing, because it's true before that, actual unfair differences still existed. It then created a reaction which could be summed up by "they've open a road for us, let's make it a highway" and let's now get our revenge over men. Then (today) people discover that things have evened out more or less, but some differences still exist, and want to improve this.

As the second video of HCL explains, I also think a lot of those last % of unbalance are no one's fault, and I also think now the world and societies have to finally realize we are actually different, and completely compatible (that's only natural), and that it's only normal if few girls chose the paths of engineering. Women have usually an higher emotional intelligence than we men do, and we are usually better with numbers and spatial representation. So why would society be surprised and complain engineer schools only have 10% of female students ? I don't believe we should blame our societies for guiding us to those predetermined paths. I think those paths are only natural, and the only major difference we do have is that a woman has to stop working to give birth, and that because our salary is a reflect of our productivity, and in the short term raising a child is not productive for anyone, there is a discrepancy (the problem would be then evaluating how beneficial it is for a society to raise a children considering he will be productive in the future, and then reevaluate how -unproductive- giving birth is?). As the video stated, it's mostly a matter of choice and it's today possible for a woman to plan a career and a child or two. You can't complain your salary didn't rise as much when you chose at 21 to have a child, then 2 years later a second one, and then maybe a third one at 28.

Don't get me wrong, I don't say unbalance doesn't exist at all, you can always find some. But I also have a girl friend who admitted she got her job this week over the others because of her boobs and the flirty attitude of the recruiter with her. That's sometimes how it works, too, as stupid as it is !

A simple example of failure of society's efforts to push girls to follow certain paths : my own one. In my national pilot school, there is usually around 10 to 15% of girls, which ends up usually being 3 to 5 girls a year. Because the state doesn't like this low number, they have unofficially asked the recruiters to try to get more girls to pass the concourse. So now if you take the number of applicants vs number of person taken, instead of 1%, you get 2%. So, it's twice as easy to get in the school if you're a girl. First fail : it's an unfair positive discrimination, because those girls didn't do better than guys, and those guys have dreamed about this job for as long as anyone else and one or two of them every year has his place taken by a girl who shouldn't pass. but the biggest fail is that during the training, then, girls fail twice as more. Why ? Because half of them were not supposed to be there. The worst of the worst, is that my school tries SO MUCH to keep them when they are starting to fail. You're a guy and you have had troubles during the training and already got 5h of flight extra and still didn't pass ? -> you're fired and just let go the best chance of your life. You're a girl and have already got 25h extra ? -> ok let's start the training from scratch once again to see if you don't get better this time and let's consider those 25h as a bonus to help you get the level next time (you have to know an hour at this time in the training costs like 500$ to the state). In 2008/2009 one of those girls had troubles and actually got this treatment, while the same year 3 or 4 guys were fired way quickier, like it was supposed to be. So, she was not fired and got a special treatment, because in between her legs you find a vagina. Also, it's been scientifically proven, and is part of the Human Factors in aviation that a cockpit made of 2 girls is not as safe as 2 guys or 1 guy/1 girl. Because girls tend to behave together differently, and especially, more emotionally, and when you are 10 hours a day in the same 2 square meters as the other person you're working with, it does weigh, a lot. It's not a judgement, it's not a criticism againts them, but it's actually considered a "non-standard" cockpit just as much as a father flying with his son is considered "non-standard" or two captains flying together (instead of 1 capt/1 Fo where the gradient of authority is more controlled), it's just how it is and a result of safety statistics which don't lie and don't care about if we like it or not, and the state is totally failing at understanding this and trying to push girls into this path. Indeed it's cool to have girls chose this career as well, and some of them are actually great and often even better than guys because they had to prove "more", but why push it ? It's just not worth it sometimes to try to work against nature, because that's going backwards against our inner natures, and is just counter productive. Why not let mechanics or pilots be as many men as they want, and why not let nurses or biologists be as many girls as they want ?

Sorry for mistakes, I don't have a brain anymore I'm home at 2am after flying the whole afternoon/evening, and that was my non-specialist 2c
Using the words gay/fag/queer as an example do nothing to back up your point - those are pejorative words that still should not be used in daily speech just as my pals, kike, wetback, chink, etc shouldn't be. The fact that people use them frequently to mean other things doesn't change their connotation, etymology, etc.

I hear people use feminism in the proper sense all the time, it just isn't coming from politicians/pundits/newscasters. Same thing goes for socialism, communism, atheism, darwinism, etc. Just because lots of stupid people use a term incorrectly and don't understand the basic ideologies implied by the term doesn't mean that we should allow that to happen and become a commonplace use for otherwise normal terms. This is like the stems vs raw tracks debate all over again.

I agree with the first statement (only exception with "gay" as I think it's nowadays a totally normal and accepted words even by any homosexual person, and I know it for a fact because my father is "gay", and even my girl roommate).

On the second statement, I have to admit I myself don't know if I use the term "feminism" the correct way.
This, this all over the place.

And maybe 1 unfortunate fanny is a room full of cock isn't suck a bad thing? I was reading yesterday that regular sex can actually tighten the vaginal muscles.

Also, unrelated, but:


Makes me laugh, every time.

ANDDDDD - an interesting read:

As much as this picture makes me giggle, it is actually kinda true and sums up some of today's contradictions on this topic !