Seriously Feminists, WTF?!?!

A. Raw data can't be manipulated, only interpreted correctly/incorrectly.

How it is collected can affect the outcome. For example your anti gun and need a stat for that so you say "guns kill XXXX people every year."

Omitting the fact that you included people that were beat to death with the butt of a gun or suicides instead of just homicides. Doing this of course so the number is larger than that of how many lives are saved annually because of armed citizens. :Spin:

My wife was telling me about some sort of recent study that was done over "kids with gay parents." But the criteria was actually way less stringent than that. It included "kids with parents that at any time had a homosexual relationship." So this would include straight couples that got curious and cheated on their spouses in which case of course the kid is going to be fucked up and viola you have the stats you want to prove your shitty stupid case.

I see exactly the same shade of green on Poland as in USA.

So women are physically secure in the sea ?