set list for Ausustralian shows


Apr 8, 2003
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Has anyone been able to remember or industriously noted the set list for the shows. I would love to know as I can have my own concert at home lamenting the fact that the Sydney show was sold out. All approximations accepted.
Am now listening to Blackwater Park again, ( as I write this) man it becomes increasingly impossible to pick a favourite album.
Also ( I am sure this has been posted) check out the vids at for the run through of Drapery Falls. The solo in the first half is just great to watch and hear .

Hope all the brethren had a great time at the Opeth shows.
there is a thread somewhere round here with the brisbane gig list. just look at that and take out forest of october for the sydney list.
mindkiller said:
Pretty sure this was Adelaide set (just not 100% on the order)

Lepar Afinity
A Fair Judgement
Godheads Lament
Drapery Falls
Masters Apprentice
Demon of the Fall (encore)


i think thats wrong... opeth dont play masters apprentices live.
Katatonic289 said:
i think thats wrong... opeth dont play masters apprentices live.

Yes I agree, still yet to hear someone else from Adelaide confirm this!!

and I don't see why they would leave credence out of the Adelaide show!

They performed Credence superbly BTW
mindkiller said:
For your sake lets hope they (anyone else from Adelaide) say I'm lying #:)


I don't necessarily think you are lying, just finding it hard to believe is all (coz damn us missing out on that song!!!!) Just like I am still finding The Forest of October thing hard to believe!
I don't necessarily think you are lying, just finding it hard to believe is all (coz damn us missing out on that song!!!!) Just like I am still finding The Forest of October thing hard to believe!

yeah that's what I mean - hope they let you down gently. There's 2 of us at the moment that are pretty damn sure. Hopefully someone else from Adelaide will post something.
mindkiller said:
Pretty sure this was Adelaide set (just not 100% on the order)

Lepar Afinity
A Fair Judgement
Godheads Lament
Drapery Falls
Masters Apprentice
Demon of the Fall (encore)


not quite the set list for adelaide
here is what the set list was and its correct order im 99% this is correct i wrote it down when i got back to my car straight after the gig

The Drapery Falls
Godheads Lament
A Fair Judgement
Demon of the Fall

bloody good night
RaID said:
not quite the set list for adelaide
here is what the set list was and its correct order im 99% this is correct i wrote it down when i got back to my car straight after the gig

The Drapery Falls
Godheads Lament
A Fair Judgement
Demon of the Fall

bloody good night

I'm pretty sure the above is correct, even though I didnt realise they played Bleak, but was repeatedly told they did. How I didn't realise it considering when the played 'we're gonna play something some blackwater park now, guess what it is?' and I was screaming Bleak.. then they played the drapery falls... which I didnt really mind, it being my favourite song on the album and all. Meh. Best concert ever I say.
DarkenedSkies said:
I'm pretty sure the above is correct, even though I didnt realise they played Bleak, but was repeatedly told they did. How I didn't realise it considering when the played 'we're gonna play something some blackwater park now, guess what it is?' and I was screaming Bleak.. then they played the drapery falls... which I didnt really mind, it being my favourite song on the album and all. Meh. Best concert ever I say.

You have WREATH mixed up with THE LEPER AFFINITY:Smug: