San Francisco Review

Pelican was amazing. Vocals would not fit with any of their songs. Check out their albums, might take a couple listens but once they grow on you you'll realize why they ARE something special. Don't tell me that last song didn't draw you in a bit :)
PS. Am I the only one who thought Opeth's sound was almost SHIT for the first couple songs? I really couldn't make out shit during baying of the hounds.

And they didn't play the intro to When :(

Grand Conjuration is a great live track.

The Moor was a pleasant surprise, probably the song of the night.
Scourge of Malice said:
PS. Am I the only one who thought Opeth's sound was almost SHIT for the first couple songs? I really couldn't make out shit during baying of the hounds.

And they didn't play the intro to When :(

Grand Conjuration is a great live track.

The Moor was a pleasant surprise, probably the song of the night.

did they play the accoustic intro to The Moor?
pac1288 said:
Yeah I second that about Opeth not playing Drapery too. No offence to the band or anything but I'm sick of hearing that song live. Playing The Moor was a great decision!

Oh and ladyvalerie if that really is you on that pic. you look awesome, I figure it is because you look like somebody I saw @ the concert.

I've never seen Drapery played live, so I was a little sad they didn't play it, but I loved The Moor. And no it's not me in my avatar. It's a frame from a .gif I found a while ago.
that wasnt a hat it was a shoe! O_o
anyway i was lucky enough to be allowed to keep my i got some fancy piccies..but i didnt get alot of Mendez, Wiberg or the sub battery started shitting out like the second song through...i was very close to Peter so i got many good ones of him...and some avant-garde blur style ones of Mike...(they told me i could keep the camera if i didnt use flash...)


Peter seemed to like to pose for me when i whipped out the camera as is demonstrated in this next photo...

this pic of Mike is awesome!

and heres another good shot

those are few of many but time doth not allow me to post all of them..
anyway i cant WAIT to see Squeaks shots! Hurry up and upload them, girlieh!
Great show! \m/
I was surprised they played the Moor because all the setlists people have been posting haven't included it. I saw it last time I saw them as well, but didnt expect it this time.

They played the acoustic intro, but just on regular guitars. Sounded pretty shitty in my mind. I think last time they did the whole intro, which was awesome.
I was by the front too. I think I remember seeing some guy in an oragne shirt, one tall guy with long hair that wouldn't move for me to see, and his friend who was being an asshole and wouldn't move. And then I remember there were some guys next to me, one of them had long thick hair and braces. And he was with a group of girls and I think 1 or 2 other guys.

Behind me, there was a father and his son, the son had a Dying Fetus shirt and the father had a Hatebreed shirt..

Hmm.. I smelled so bad last night during the last two songs of the show. I hadn't taken a shower since morning , which sucked. But I had a jacket with an Opeth back patch and I had a katatonia - brave murder shirt under it.. And I had a In Flames Jester Head belt buckle.. So you might have seen me. What got me dissapointed was that they werent selling any merchandise! :(

I wanted A Ghost Reveries Shirt badly..

And yes, the show kicked major ass. I will definately remember this show as one of my favorite shows ever.
It was awesome

I was 3 rows back in line with Mendez, BWP tour shirt
there was a guy with blonde hair and a cross necklace to my left with his mom

I yelled "WE LOVE YOU BASS PLAYER" right before the band introduction

anyway.... when + moor = best fucking show ever
I was in the second row, center, and I was behind this guy with long blonde hair. I happened to get lots of hair on myself cuz was constantly pushed up against him which kinda sucked but I was still lucky enough to get so close to the band. I got a few "nods" from peter which was awesome and also got to shake his hand in the end. Fuck the PRS tech who didnt throw any of Mikael's picks into the crowd!
InFlames235 said:
I was in the second row, center, and I was behind this guy with long blonde hair. I happened to get lots of hair on myself cuz was constantly pushed up against him which kinda sucked but I was still lucky enough to get so close to the band. I got a few "nods" from peter which was awesome and also got to shake his hand in the end. Fuck the PRS tech who didnt throw any of Mikael's picks into the crowd!

Heh, I touched Peter's hand too. I saw Peter throw some picks into the crowd, but he was on the left side of the stage.
LadyValerie said:
Heh, I touched Peter's hand too. I saw Peter throw some picks into the crowd, but he was on the left side of the stage.
Were you the one right in front of me? If so, the guy to the left of you had the blonde hair and I think he was one of your friends. Also, if you're the one I'm thinkin you are, one of the security guards was like starin at you all night hahaha I was like :eek:
man, i wanted to see the show sooo bad. but i was workin that day, couldnt get off :( oh well, if they come back in february, i'll definately go see them, work or not.
That show was so sick. It probably beats there 2004 concert but only by a little. The Grand Conjuration owned live, and the mosh pit during Blackwater Park insane \m/
Its not fair, i was dying to see the moor live, but they didnt play it in england. which is a shame. All the guys were nice enough to shake my hand though. How fucking honored do you feel though when your at the front and like one of the guys just looks at you and sort of gives a nod of approval. How much of a fanboy am i.....
This was defiantley one of the best concert I've been to, two of my fav bands under one roof. I've seen Pelican at the Bottom of the Hill in Frisco before, the guitars stuck out more, they were a little lower the other night for some reason. Pelican is a really amazing band, I guess people are not used to instrumental/post-rock stuff.

I was right in front of Peter the whole time too, maybe a row or two away, so I must have stumbled upon osme of you on this board. I joined in the mosh pit during Demon of the Fall cause I needed a good stretch to get my blood flowing, managed to keep my glasses on the whole time too, glad they played that song in the end, one of their best.