San Francisco Review

LadyValerie said:
I've never seen Drapery played live, so I was a little sad they didn't play it, but I loved The Moor. And no it's not me in my avatar. It's a frame from a .gif I found a while ago.

Oh, ok. I'm a little late on my response but that's because I've been out.

Anyway I was the guy that was in the pit about 30 percent of the time. Did you notice that there was two? I thought that was kind of cool. I think that could be a first for an Opeth concert, but I could be wrong:)

Nice clip by the-way.
affinityband said:
Its not fair, i was dying to see the moor live, but they didnt play it in england. which is a shame. All the guys were nice enough to shake my hand though. How fucking honored do you feel though when your at the front and like one of the guys just looks at you and sort of gives a nod of approval. How much of a fanboy am i.....

Yeh! I swear Peter Nodded and winked at me .. I was singing along to When and he looked at me and he nodded and winked i do believe.. i climaxed :rock:
InFlames235 said:
Damn it, I wanna know who threw the shoe and why! haha

so THAT'S what it was! lmao, i didn't get a good view of what it was, but i saw something fly up on the stage, mikael dodged it like "wtf?" lmao
LadyValerie said:
I've never seen Drapery played live, so I was a little sad they didn't play it, but I loved The Moor. And no it's not me in my avatar. It's a frame from a .gif I found a while ago.

so why don't you send me a picture of you, i'll put it on the opeth fans picture page ;)
xXBraveMurderDay said:
Wtf? They were selling merchandise? Where?! I wanted a damn Ghost Reveries shirt..

Near the entrance to the right when you're exiting through the front. But it was $30 a shirt and $60 for a sweater, pretty outrageous if you ask me...although I still bought one just cause I didn't want to go wait weeks ordering it online. You guys got the free posters too right?
Yeah I got a free poster on the way out of the show. I was going to buy the sweatshirt but didn't feel like forking over the cash. I'm just going to wait and buy it online :cool:. Who the heck was that Ministry band about anyways; they were supposed to be on the roster.

Speaking of which, did any of you enter that raffle? The one where you were suppose to win a poster or some sort of Opeth related item with all the band member autographs. I was going to but had no cash on hand, just had my debit card and did not quite feel like walking over to the ATM machine and use just for that sole purpose. Anyway did anyone here win?
The show fucking kicked ass! Hearing When always makes my day.
I'm glad the sound evened out though, as it was a little off during pelican.
I think that was the best SF show yet from Bubba Smith and crew.
I'm also dying to see Squeak's close-up photos.
Weakness said:
If you look at my Avatar picture close, your able to see on the bottom
left hand side one of the brothers who wasn't impressed with Opeths set.

Do you have a bigger version of it?
hey LadyV, i was in front of Peter the whole time, which one was you? (were you one of the screaming banshees on the left side? :p)
hey Brooks! hahahah i didnt see you there dude! but leave it to you to start a pit at an Opeth show :lol:! \m/