San Francisco Review

Scourge of Malice said:
PS. Am I the only one who thought Opeth's sound was almost SHIT for the first couple songs? I really couldn't make out shit during baying of the hounds.
Are we the only ones that noticed that? The guitars were way too quiet for at least the first 3 songs.

I liked how the band were doing kinda 'rockstar' things, like how Mikael and Peter would face eachother while playing, and Mikael would go back and face Per and such. You could tell they were having a good time at it too, since they'd almost always start laughing after doing something like that. Plus Peter and Mendez switched sides at one point which was cool since I'd never seen it before lol. Anyone else notice Peter singing along to the end of Demon? Hadn't seen that before either. Just some observations.

EDIT: Per and Mikael sounded really good harmonizing together, too.
Maharet said:
hey LadyV, i was in front of Peter the whole time, which one was you? (were you one of the screaming banshees on the left side? :p)
hey Brooks! hahahah i didnt see you there dude! but leave it to you to start a pit at an Opeth show :lol:! \m/

I moved around a lot, I didn't stay in one spot.
this pic is pretty good:

Crap when I post a link I don't post it directly to the photo album (like OpethOct2005 or whatever). But that's okay, thank you much for posting the link!!!! I'm not too happy with my photos, only some of them (the lighting was goofy), but at I least I got some. The fucking security were being idiots and I couldn't take photos after three songs although they said it was fine before. AND I couldn't go stand near the front, so I couldn't barely watch the majority of the show - I couldn't see the stage, I could only hear it for the most part. I'll post a review thingy later though, I have to go do some errands right now. Thanks again for posting the link!