Setlist- Europe - ASOP era 2008

Here's that setlist.

1 Cloud connected

2 The mirror’s truth

3 Leeches

4 Clay man

5 Colony

6 Disconnected

7 Transparent

8 Delight and angers

9 Egonomic

10 Alias

11 Trigger

12 Only for the weak

13 Graveland

14 I’m the highway

15 Come clarity

16 The quiet place

17 Move through me

18 Take this life

19 My sweet shadow

Basically the same as the headlining show from their Gigantour off-dates. I was hoping for some more from Colony and no Morphing Into Primal either.
Ugh, they need to stop playing Graveland and choose one of the infinitely better songs off that album.
Behind Space, up until this tour, was a staple in the band's set list. I don't blame them for taking it out, they must have become pretty damn bored with the song after playing it at almost every gig since 1996.

Personally I think they should choose either Artifacts or Dead Eternity to represent The Jester Race, or perhaps even Lord Hypnos just for something different.
AWESOME setlist in my opinion! I know that some people will be dissapointed by the amass of new stuff, but they played all the good songs from their new album, which they should. It's new, so that's good. And I like graveland, and loved it live. Just me, though!
But from all of the songs on the new album, no March to the Shore or Drenched in Fear?? C'mon those would make most people super happy! Put one of those in place for Egonomic or I'm the Highway...even Leeches, idk. Transparent could be removed as well.
But I sure hope the November US tour is as kick ass as this one!!
Ahh. He lieded. But I'm sure they'll change it up like they did on the gigantour. He said it entertains them lol.
And Delight and Angers is not really's not super metal sounding, but not punk.
I like it a lot.
Both songs are mediocre compared to other In Flames songs. What bugs me the most about Drenched in Fear is the crappy chorus and the lyrics in the pre chorus. "How does it feel to be demolished, vaporized into thin air, strange new feeling to be nothing?" it makes me feel ill. BTW, I dig the feel like shit line in disconnected, 'cause it sounds good, and it has some good meaning behind it.
Both songs are mediocre compared to other In Flames songs. What bugs me the most about Drenched in Fear is the crappy chorus and the lyrics in the pre chorus. "How does it feel to be demolished, vaporized into thin air, strange new feeling to be nothing?" it makes me feel ill. BTW, I dig the feel like shit line in disconnected, 'cause it sounds good, and it has some good meaning behind it.

Drenched in fear has some good lyrics, except the how does it feel to be~ sentence ofcourse.
Both songs are mediocre compared to other In Flames songs. What bugs me the most about Drenched in Fear is the crappy chorus and the lyrics in the pre chorus. "How does it feel to be demolished, vaporized into thin air, strange new feeling to be nothing?" it makes me feel ill. BTW, I dig the feel like shit line in disconnected, 'cause it sounds good, and it has some good meaning behind it.

Agree with pretty much everything up there. But I like the chorus of Drenched in Fear :p
Can't be on the same page with everything or anybody XD
I don't know if this is in correct order or complete. I'm going by the way the videos on Youtube are labeled:

Cloud Connected
The Mirror's Truth
The Quiet Place
Transparent (?)
Only for the Weak
Come Clarity
My Sweet Shadow

Total crap setlist
Not bad though. Only total shit song is Transparent. And that might not be there. Come Clarity should be left out as well. Put in f(r)iend or something else from STYE, or Trigger. They don't seem to like that any more.
It's Transparent. I didn't recognize it at first because it sounds significantly different live than it does on the album.