Setlist Poll - Results Posted!

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Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
There have been rumblings here and there about the band's tour setlist & how it needs some changes. We did a setlist poll a few years ago, & I spoke with MJR about it recently & he agreed that it was time to do another one. So here's your chance to let the band know what you want to see them play on tour!

Here's how it goes. You reply here and tell me what songs you would like to hear the band play on their upcoming tours..give me 90 minutes worth of material (no, the band is not necessarily playing a 90 minute set, that's just a random number I'm choosing). You can pick particular songs, or just say that you'd like to hear anything from a certain cd, or a mix of both. I'll leave this open until midnight (US Pacific time) on Sunday night; on Monday, I'll compile the results & send them to the band, and post them for you guys as well. The last time we did this, MJR was surprised at some of the songs you all wanted to see them perform live, & took the suggestions under consideration. He says they'll do so as well this time, so make sure you let them know what you want to hear. :)

Looking forward to seeing what you all have to say!

Jax :)

[Edit: thread closed..I'll post the results on Monday the 21st. Thanks to everyone who responded!]
Here's some:

Rediscovery pt I&II (ok, it's a long shot)
Lady Of The Snow
Church Of The Machine
Eve Of Seduction
The Accolade / Accolade II -combo
The Death Of Balance (instrumentals are cool too)
Rediscovery pt I&II

Completely agreed, though I'll go so far as to say anything from the second half of V (the stuff not on the live album... Absence of Light, Fool's Paradise, Rediscovery).
Edge of Forever (oh please god!!)
Through the Looking Glass
Something from the first album (I KNOW i'm not alone on this one!). Absynthe and Rue would be a good choice, but hell even Masquerade would be cool to see live.

I'd really love nothing more than to not see The Odyssey live. It takes up a huge chunk of time and it has been played too much lately. It just isn't as "special" anymore i don't think.
All i want to hear them play is The Accolade and Accolade II back to back. That would make my year!!! Who does not like these amazing songs??? Imo they are their best work...

Other songs i would like:
Communion and the oracle
Rediscovery(both parts)
Through the Looking Glass(All parts) ------Amazing song!!
Candlelight Fantasia
The Sacrifice -------------Allen siting on a chair with the spotlight on him lol
The Divine Wings of Tragedy
In no particular order:

Frontiers (I can dream!)
Accolade/Accolade II medley
Eve of Seduction
Seven (bass solo!!11!111!!)
The Relic (epic power metal greatness!)
Orion - the Hunter (more underrated Twilight goodness)
King of Terrors (this song was great live... I'd much rather hear it than Inferno)
Candlelight Fantasia
Through the Looking Glass
Out of the Ashes
Revelation (Divus Pennae ex Tragoedia) / The Divine Wings of Tragedy (this would arguably be the greatest encore ever!)

Great thread! I'm glad the band is listening to fan suggestions!
^I think you all make good points.
Here's something I would love to hear:
The Edge Of Forever!
The Accolade or Accolade II
In The Dragons Den!
Church Of The Machine
The Eyes Of Medusa
The Edge Of Forever!
Stuff from Twilight In Olympus
The Edge Of Forever!
Divine Wings Of Tragedy for the place of The Odyssey!
The Accolade!
The Edge Of Forever!!!

And Also the stuff from the new album rocked when I saw them with DT.

So in the end, in my opinion they should just kind of pick songs from many different albums with some variety, not like pick Sea Of Lies, Of Sins And Shadows, King Of Terrors, Set The World On Fire and Inferno, cause although they are awesome songs, you can't have billion MEEETTAAAALLLL songs in the set list. (But I'm sure they know that)
In no particular order:

Eyes of Medusa
Through the Looking Glass
Edge of Forever
Winter's Dream part II
Paradise Lost
The Accolade
The Accolade II
Out of the Ashes
Orion the Hunter
Candlelight Fantasia
Shades of Grey ( PLEASEE !!! )
Well, thats 5 people in a row that want Accolade and Accolade II for the concerts...
The band really needs to do those 2 songs, and having them back to back would be so sweet.
hmm, I'd be happy to see any songs played by Symphony X so long as they come to Australia soon... PLEASE TELL MJR!!!!11! :lol:

The Odyssey
Rediscovery pts 1 & 2
The Accolade / Accolade II
Through The Looking Glass
Revelation / The Divine Wings Of Tragedy

Gotta agree, R & TDWOT would be a hell of an encore... :headbang:
Well, thats 5 people in a row that want Accolade and Accolade II for the concerts...
The band really needs to do those 2 songs, and having them back to back would be so sweet.

Actually, according to MJR, they've done Accolade quite a few times & got lukewarm responses to it more often than not, so they're baffled by how many people ask for it.
Actually, according to MJR, they've done Accolade quite a few times & got lukewarm responses to it more often than not, so they're baffled by how many people ask for it.

I think what they have to do is do Accolade with Accolade II or its pretty weak. Its just my opinion, but i think the first Accolade is weak without the 2nd, so doing it alone might be why it did not work well.
Just my thoughts...
The Edge of Forever

The Accolade

Church of the Machine
Through the Looking Glass

Communion and the Oracle
Absence of Light
A Fool's Paradise
Rediscovery (I & II)

King of Terrors
Accolade II
Definately Eve of Seduction (it's become kind of a cult favorite and it rocks so hard a crowd HAS TO love it)

other than that:

The Bird-Serpent War/ Cataclysm
The Damnation Game (an oldie but classic nonetheless)
The Sacrifice (since they did PL on the last tour)
King of Terrors (i was excited for that one last time and it didn't get played)
Walls of Babylon (this song doesn't get old)
Paradise Lost (the performance on the last tour was too good to drop this one... unless they swap it for Sacrifice)
Serpent's Kiss
Medusa's Eyes

i will never NOT want to see the Odyssey. i hope they play it at every concert from here to the end of the world.
but revelation/dwot is a cool idea if they don't play the odyssey.
This would be cool

Seven (bass solo!!!!)
Church of the Machine
The Accolade
Accolade II
Through the Looking Glass
A Fool's Paradise
The Divine Wings of Tragedy
I used to have an ideal setlist prior to Paradise Lost's release, but that'll have to change ;)

1. Frontiers
2. Set the World on Fire
3. Sea of Lies
4. Communion and the Oracle
5. Dressed To Kill
6. The Accolade
7. Accolade II
BREAK: Crowd Participation, Extended Solos?
8. Inferno
9. Paradise Lost
10. Church of the Machine
11. Revelation
12. Candelight Fantasia
ENCORE: Smoke and Mirrors (I want the beginning solo to be played when the venue/stage is in total darkness and nobody's expecting it)

Possible Cover: metal version of "Circle of Life" from The Lion King. Whenever I hear the lady singing it I think "Damn, Russell could rip this song to pieces".
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