several things of note today


Aug 2, 2002
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- people here are going to get laid off. but not me.

- i nicknamed my 10 month old niece BUBBY and it's sticking. so we're taking her to bubby's restaurant in manhattan this weekend.

- there is this weird group of like, 5 straight guys at my job who are all total jocks. somehow they are all now my 'pals' and i have been talked into going camping with them in june. strange.

- i *almost* was nice to someone i can't stand today just to get a gallery showing for this artist i really like.

- i feel wicked fat. no idea why.

- i have a black sheep song stuck in my head.
(forget rappin my nerves are irked just get a job and ride my dick to work)
i just google'd the name at the request of a coworker and realized one of my clients is a very well known porn star.

oh. and. brian jones was totally amazing looking.

okay like, every day i go to the gym there's this 40 something black woman with an obvious wig on wearing yellow rubber dishwashing gloves on the treadmill. what the fuck?
i think they call that OCD. but yea. i always wait for her to pick up a sponge and start cleaning the track or something. it's bizarre.
i'm not sure. but she also puts the treadmill on like, 4-5 mph and instead of just walking she grabs the top of the console and like, hangs off it and shakes the entire machine. it's so totally weird i can't let myself stop thinking about it.