several things of note today

awwww yeah! I rule and you all drool!

also, i just got a copy of this month's adbusters and i haven;t even read it all and it's sort of working my nerves. like, there is this one little paragraph in the beginning from this girl who is ragging on everyone apparently at her school for wearing label clothes and talking about PUNK (they're not real punk b/c they shop at hot topic guyz!) and all this stuff. like, what is more shallow, getting a shirt at abercrombie and fitch and moving on with your life, or constantly boiling and stewing over people that buy abercrombie and fitch and living on hold because you're so fucking bitter? UGH. man. sometimes i fear that someone out there sees these people as speaking for the rest of us. it mortifies me. stuff in this issue is about being in denial and they keep mention SUV's and 7/11 and x-box. i bet all those mofos use those things sometimes and/or shop at 7/11 or something. and it's okay to point out that they suck anyway but they're so fucking PRETENTIOUS about it.

this is where bigfakesmile should come in and point out how politico-elitist they are!. blah.

we're all clones b/c we play video games!
yeah, but, i mean, like (i think) avi said in our last adbusters discussion, isn't it at least cool that that POV is being supported by people, even flawed ones? i think the masses of so-called antiwar protestors around the world are probably fools and possibly even hurt the cause, but i still think it's cool to see them out there nominally for a good cause (for once).
xfer, i'm not so sure. because like, if i ask someone who doesn't seem as "radical" as myself, say like, my sister or my mom or someone, they usually point out how alienating people are with this bs like, if you're not going to do it perfectly, don't bother at all. and that is what i find really unnerving and obnoxious. like, i don't want my sister to feel too alienated to ever run another anmesty international group again (which she does, and she gave up in RI) and i find that people that are too busy pointing their fucking fingers to even do anything are really just bad bad bad bad. i mean, there is a level of help from them that is in some ways useful, but there are some people that i just want to stick a cork in their fucking mouth and cut off their typing fingers because all they do is make people hateful. (and self-hating)

also, i find it applies to me in some ways, like i find people i know talking about politics all day, just sitting around arguing, and then when i dont feel like arguing they say i am apathetic. i mean, what the fuck do they do at work all day? right? not what i do, that's for sure. because it's 'too hard'. but i would never try to force someone to handle my job. it's just like, HELLO IT"S CLOTHING? like, drop it already.
the_preppy said:
but there are some people that i just want to stick a cork in their fucking mouth and cut off their typing fingers because all they do is make people hateful. (and self-hating)

also, i find it applies to me in some ways, like i find people i know talking about politics all day, just sitting around arguing, and then when i dont feel like arguing they say i am apathetic. i mean, what the fuck do they do at work all day? right? not what i do, that's for sure. because it's 'too hard'. but i would never try to force someone to handle my job. it's just like, HELLO IT"S CLOTHING? like, drop it already.

sigh why is this thread full of veiled references to me! :cry:
xfer i totally wasn't referring to you, jackass <--- (the jackass was referring to you tho)
you know, it's a rare day when both you and i are all depressed and whiny at the same time. this must be some sort of cosmic event because i am like, ready to tear up over a story about a guy catching a dog that fell out of a window.