several things of note today

high brow noted.

anyway... let me write out this totally bizarre dream I had on Saturday night. it felt SO real I woke up thinking it really happened for about 20 minutes until I realized in the dream, it was summertime, and here, it’s obviously not.
So anyway, I was walking to the subway from my apartment and this dark skinned girl whose named started with an A I think and was sort of black sounding…(details details... it's blurry) came up to me in tears and said that her out of town boyfriend was going to leave her because he secretly wanted her to be like me and he doesn’t even know me. I was really confused. She was just talking about books she didn’t read and music she didn’t like and things she didn’t believe in and I was like, ummm well I don’t know him so it’s not my problem, and she was like BUT HE READS WHAT YOU WRITE!!! and I was confused and I totally took off. i woke up like, what the fuck did i write? and got all paranoid.
xfer is like, taking it personally that the girl in my dream was busted! hah.

no she was like, not black. she was also like kind of prissy.
kleo totally IMed me last night. last night was the night of the random IMs apparently. also an old firend from high shcool IMedme out of the blue. I hope he starts posting here.

I'll stab you all in the genitals.
xfer said:
this thread is full of so much evil it could be distilled into a black metal album.

xfer obviously has some freudian problem with me or something! no fair!

if it weren't for this morning thunder tea and josh's hamster mall post.... you'd all be in trouble.