Sex education

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Apr 17, 2005
It seems to me that history teaches thus:

The societies that thrive best are those which advocate sexual exclusivity, as it encourages high investment in offspring.

Those that regress are those who take the opposite approach.

However, demonizing sex (or drugs, or racism) is not the answer. Showing people history?

Ah, that might be - except that, as speed pointed out, most are (a) too ignorant and (b) mentally incapable of comprehending logical argument to appreciate this.

Solution? ...well, that's for you, gentle reader, to ascertain.
Education is what slowly feeds the process of revolution. Like all ideas, I believe a healthy and mature sexual attitude can be taught/educated.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of folks would scream bloody murder if a rational and pragmatic approach was taken to sexual education.
infoterror said:
It seems to me that history teaches thus:

The societies that thrive best are those which advocate sexual exclusivity, as it encourages high investment in offspring.

Those that regress are those who take the opposite approach.

However, demonizing sex (or drugs, or racism) is not the answer. Showing people history?

Ah, that might be - except that, as speed pointed out, most are (a) too ignorant and (b) mentally incapable of comprehending logical argument to appreciate this.

Solution? ...well, that's for you, gentle reader, to ascertain.

This is an interesting topic, as by and large the more intelligent you are, the less likely you will have offspring; and the reverse is true as well: the dumber you are, the more likely you are to have children. thus, can our society get any stupider? Can we really fall below contemporary levels of ignorance?

I think it carries over into personality traits as well. As a Intp, I am not somone who is likely to be pumping out a ton of kids. But the extroverts, who make the world the cacophonious place it is, will pump out far more than I.

Thus, what do we have? More ignorant meatheads and nymphettes, or frumpy dumpies with hamhock thighs enrolling in colleges, volunteering etc, taking jobs and lowering the standards and level of intellect required. We are already seeing it in Colleges, and a study just came out that for the last decade, American worker productivity dropped rather sharply. And to really excel or get into a superior school one has to do well on that most mediocre and crowdist (to borrow Infoterrors term) instituition the SAT--that rewards systematic and not creative intellect. Its a big problem.
Great topic !
I think we must focus not just on sex but on education in general. for as long there is people who have such moronic beliefs just because they have no other alternative the society can not evolve. How do we expect people to change their way of life when modernism promotes sick sexuality approaches(and not just sexual) that are considered “cool” ? I think that the stupid is blessed for he shall prevail over the ignorant !(I quoted this from someone but I don’t remember who)
Final_Product said:
Unfortunately, the vast majority of folks would scream bloody murder if a rational and pragmatic approach was taken to sexual education.
the vast majority will scream bloody murder if a rational and pragmatic aproach were taken regarding ANYTHING
people don't want to change the status quo, especially when the status quo is something really stupid...

"the reason that ignorence is bliss is because enlightenment is pure hell"
Darien Fawkes

people don't want to see the truth, people want to lie to themselves and pretend that everything is better than the crappiness of the real world
The second world war was fought about ideology more than anything else, and the ideology of the German regime is the very antithesis of the ideology that represents the modern Western states post war. There has been a big fear of ending up emulating the policies of what is supposed to be the epitome of an evil regime. Hence people who advocate healthy eating and excercise being branded "health fascists" for example. Obviously Nazi Germany must have had SOME very good and sensible policies, but because everything they stood for is abhored, we cannot be surprised that our society has been based around having the opposite values to a ridiculous extent.

I used the past tense because there are definite signs that things are changing. We now have campaigns against obesity, binge drinking, and bans on smoking. All this could have been in place 60 years ago. There doesn't seem to be any progress on the sex education though, or the continuing trend for the stupidest people to breed the next generation.
You don't mean that kids should be encouraged to do things they don't want to do or look at things they don't want to look at in sex education classes though do you? And don't you think that learning by actually doing sex is obviously a green light to do it outside of school at the age that they are taught it and that the consequences of that are more unwanted pregnancies, venerial disease, sterility, regret in later life, rape, abuse, and splits in society between the ones that want to do it all the time, everywhere in the street, etc, and those that hate such people and want to shoot them? It is a difficult issue, and there seems to be no solution that is going to please everyone.
Norsemaiden said:
You don't mean that kids should be encouraged to do things they don't want to do or look at things they don't want to look at in sex education classes though do you? And don't you think that learning by actually doing sex is obviously a green light to do it outside of school at the age that they are taught it and that the consequences of that are more unwanted pregnancies, venerial disease, sterility, regret in later life, rape, abuse, and splits in society between the ones that want to do it all the time, everywhere in the street, etc, and those that hate such people and want to shoot them? It is a difficult issue, and there seems to be no solution that is going to please everyone.
i think maybe you misunderstood me
have you ever read the "clan of the cave bear" sequel book called "shelters of stone" that explains this way better than i could but i'm gonna try anyway
i'm talking about a society where learning about sex is just like learning anything of those other things that requires a teacher
where every one looses their virginity with a "sexual teacher" where both types of oral are actually taught, instead of the modern world's view that anything sexual other than the act that produces children is evil in the eyes of the Christian's "God" (there's alot of skill involved in doing oral properly and most of the people today that perform oral really have no idea what the hell their doing) i'm talking about those "ancient" sex techniques where it didn't matter if the guy was a "minute man" because the female had her orgasm BEFORE the guy pulled his dick out of his pants (because for a whole 6 or 7 women out of every 10, having an orgasm while a dick is inside her pussy is a phisical impossibility) i'm talking about women learning how to make a blowjob feel a whole hundred times better than fucking a pussy instead of just opening her mouth to get "skull-fucked" there were lots of "ancient" societies like this, but, sadly it's not going to be possible to go back to this type of society

@ prissy people
i'm sorry about being so "graphic" but i really didn't see another way to get my point across
I find reading Cosmopolitan magazine quite educational. Anyone who's interested can always find this stuff out. It's in books and on TV sometimes and even on "Sex and the City", so how can people really be ignorant unless its by choice?
Auschwitz said:
Once I read Cosmopolitian and found out that if I give my boyfriend blowjobs on a frequent occasion he won't leave me, or maybe that was a different magazine. :confused:

Yeah those magazines do give women some neuroses and probably intend to screw people up to some extent (we know who writes it don't we Auschwitz;) ).
speed said:
This is an interesting topic, as by and large the more intelligent you are, the less likely you will have offspring; and the reverse is true as well: the dumber you are, the more likely you are to have children.

Good point. I see a lot of this as being the result of modern economies. In older times, it was easier to have a comfortable existence if one needed little. Now, one must earn more to avoid falling into the morass of ghettoes (this is NOT a racial comment), crime, drugs, sodomy, etc.

Great thinkers of the past often failed to produce children from lack of interest in marriage or sex, or simply from alienation. Immanuel Kant "never got around to" proposing marriage to a woman. Arthur Schopenhauer disliked other people too much. And, neither of them could well have afforded it. Our society doesn't reward pure brains, but it does reward technical knowledge and allegiance to working lots on distracting things.
infoterror said:
Good point. I see a lot of this as being the result of modern economies. In older times, it was easier to have a comfortable existence if one needed little. Now, one must earn more to avoid falling into the morass of ghettoes (this is NOT a racial comment), crime, drugs, sodomy, etc.

Great thinkers of the past often failed to produce children from lack of interest in marriage or sex, or simply from alienation. Immanuel Kant "never got around to" proposing marriage to a woman. Arthur Schopenhauer disliked other people too much. And, neither of them could well have afforded it. Our society doesn't reward pure brains, but it does reward technical knowledge and allegiance to working lots on distracting things.

Agreed. And the inverse is true too: poor people have more children for government and child support.

Really every great philosopher outside Lord Russell, Voltaire and the homosexual Wittegenstein, from what I've read, were bachelors who led lives of relative poverty. One really has to give up the world for that of the mind. But, I see no reason, why such a philosopher cannot have a meaningful relationship with the opposite sex.
Originally Posted by Final_Product
Unfortunately, the vast majority of folks would scream bloody murder if a rational and pragmatic approach was taken to sexual education.

the vast majority will scream bloody murder if a rational and pragmatic aproach were taken regarding ANYTHING
people don't want to change the status quo, especially when the status quo is something really stupid...

"the reason that ignorence is bliss is because enlightenment is pure hell"
Darien Fawkes

people don't want to see the truth, people want to lie to themselves and pretend that everything is better than the crappiness of the real world

i think that everyone already knows my opinions on sex ed from my posts on the pedophilia/homosexuality threads

Originally Posted by Auschwitz
I'm sure you like the hands on approach huh?

learning how to do sex properly is a skill that should be physically taught, the Christian concept of a virgin loosing their virginity to another virgin is the most ludicrous thing that i've ever heard

Originally Posted by Norsemaiden
You don't mean that kids should be encouraged to do things they don't want to do or look at things they don't want to look at in sex education classes though do you? And don't you think that learning by actually doing sex is obviously a green light to do it outside of school at the age that they are taught it and that the consequences of that are more unwanted pregnancies, venerial disease, sterility, regret in later life, rape, abuse, and splits in society between the ones that want to do it all the time, everywhere in the street, etc, and those that hate such people and want to shoot them? It is a difficult issue, and there seems to be no solution that is going to please everyone.

i think maybe you misunderstood me
have you ever read the "clan of the cave bear" sequel book called "shelters of stone" that explains this way better than i could but i'm gonna try anyway
i'm talking about a society where learning about sex is just like learning anything of those other things that requires a teacher
where every one looses their virginity with a "sexual teacher" where both types of oral are actually taught, instead of the modern world's view that anything sexual other than the act that produces children is evil in the eyes of the Christian's "God" (there's alot of skill involved in doing oral properly and most of the people today that perform oral really have no idea what the hell their doing) i'm talking about those "ancient" sex techniques where it didn't matter if the guy was a "minute man" because the female had her orgasm BEFORE the guy pulled his dick out of his pants (because for a whole 6 or 7 women out of every 10, having an orgasm while a dick is inside her pussy is a phisical impossibility) i'm talking about women learning how to make a blowjob feel a whole hundred times better than fucking a pussy instead of just opening her mouth to get "skull-fucked" there were lots of "ancient" societies like this, but, sadly it's not going to be possible to go back to this type of society

@ prissy people
i'm sorry about being so "graphic" but i really didn't see another way to get my point across
Intelligent people are observing that unfortunately people who are stupid are having more children. Might I make a suggestion that the most intelligent people of all will make a point of having a lot of children and will have ambitions to be what Nietzsche calls: those who choose themselves out - the path to the Superman. It's either that or accept the predictable consequences.
I think that it's better to give the basics of @sexual education@ not in school, but in the family. Unfortunately, not ll the famillies can do this, sometimes parents don't have enogh time or couage to start discussing such things, and it's their right. But anyway, whereever, the kid is told wisdom, the MUST be at least some social programmes at school or anywhere else, to show the children, what they are starting to play with :)

About intelligent and stupid people's children... Well, unfortunately intelligent people thinl more of themselves, and that's the reason why they produce less children :) But there are instincts that tell the majority of people (especially women) to start families and to make at least one offspring, whatever they are, stupid or smart.
I think that it's better to give the basics of @sexual education@ not in school, but in the family. Unfortunately, not ll the famillies can do this, sometimes parents don't have enogh time or couage to start discussing such things, and it's their right. But anyway, whereever, the kid is told wisdom, the MUST be at least some social programmes at school or anywhere else, to show the children, what they are starting to play with
the idea that "sex education begins at home" is one of those ideas that "looks good on paper..." but it just doesn't actually work in reality
the thing i was trying to say was that today's kids should be taught those specific sexual things that their parents are oblivious to
Children/teenagers are taught more through the media like magazines and the internet(as Norsemaiden mentioned) than through school or at home. I had learnt and knew most things about sex by the time we were taught about it in school (about when I was 12 - 13) I'm 16 now and well..nothing really shocks me in regards of sex etc and I think that most parents are ignorant to this or just down right don't know. I think if adults knew more about how much we ACTUALLY know about sex, we might get better sex education when we need it (i.e before we start experimenting)
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