Sex education

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(This is mostly from the point of view of an intellegent being raised in a cesspool of non-wisdom, so feel free to tell me how things work wherever you are.)

The quality of Sex Education depends on one very important factor: What kind of person is teaching the kid. If the kid is learning from a high school Health teacher, they're not going to take it seriously, because they're in school. (Or thats how it seems in my school.) If you're being educated by a parent, we all know how parents feel about their kids having sex. If kids have their parents educate them at too young of an age, their parent's probably going to encourage abstainance. If they're learning about it from TV, in the case of tv stations like MTV and that sort brainwashing the Youth of America, the kids get educated only on how to become more attractive and more "sexy", so they can have sex early on and become "experts" at it. In many situations, it's very difficult for a person to formulate their own opinion on this sort of thing, unless they actually do take the time to observe the matter from all sides of the issue.
I believe sex serves two purposes:

a.) Pleasure: In this case people should use birth control and other methods as they don't bring another life into exsistiance.

b.) Reproduction: I believe the world is overpopulated and that we need to cut down on births. Make a 2 children max rule so their is less people. Less people leads to easier control and a more efficient society if control is put into the right hands.
Thasis said:
b.) Reproduction: I believe the world is overpopulated and that we need to cut down on births. Make a 2 children max rule so their is less people. Less people leads to easier control and a more efficient society if control is put into the right hands.
You'd better tell it to the Chineese and Indians. I believe they have no sex education, but they have enormous fertility, as well as other peoples of the third world. If European world goes on having no more than 2 children, they will die out and all the world will quite soon be inhabited with asians, black people and so on. I have nothing against them, until there is a threat of extinction.
ølfeen said:
You'd better tell it to the Chineese and Indians. I believe they have no sex education, but they have enormous fertility, as well as other peoples of the third world.
the chineese/indian peoples have so many more children than the rest of the world is partially because they don't know how to do any sexual things outside of the act that produces children
the idea that "sex education begins at home" is one of those ideas that "looks good on paper..." but it just doesn't actually work in reality
the thing i was trying to say was that today's kids should be taught those specific sexual things that their parents are oblivious to
i'm quotin myself because this seems to be the part that needs repeating
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