Sex Outdoors

mousewings said:
Um. No it's not stupidity. Argh, and who cares if the person sucks in bed; you can teach them new stuff. It's not like I think with my vagina anyways and I'd just be happy to have someone to bang.

I'm waiting until marriage as I think it's smart instead of stupid. Look at how many girls are pregnant before marriage as they decided to "take a chance" on a guy they don't know well who later ditches them. Also, most new relationships don't last forever, so if the people have sex right away, it could stand that someone may get their heart broken (especially the female).

This may be the 21st century, but previous to the mid-20th, people were not supposed to have sex until they got married. I'd rather adhere to that tradition, as I want to be a virgin on my wedding night and know I'm with the right person, who wants to truly commit. It's like that saying: why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

Again, this isn't a personal attack against anyone. It's a person's own decision and I know someone people who aren't married are in stable relationships. I just thought I'd form a different opinion, defending... mine. ;)
How old are you Mousewings? Britney Spears also said she would remain a virgin... and also Angelica (brazilian show host) said that when she was already famous at 14... both of them discovered its not necessary to remain a virgin.

Who buys a cow when you can get the milk for free? Exactly. Why would your boyfriend stay with YOU, if he can get sex with others?? You wont have sex with him during a long time of relationship before marriage. But do you REALLY think he will do the same?? Do you REALLY think that? Women have married as virgins during a great part of the 20th century. What that has helped them? You can marry as a virgin and 2 years later you get divorced!! How much did it helped to marry as a virgin?
@Roseofshadow: there is no mistery in using condons. But be sure to ALWAYS use them! ALWAYS. Buy a couple and as it was said before, try them and use your hands. They are not bad at all. They dont hurt. Its a little weird the first time you put one, then it becomes very normal.
Also, would you like to discover too late that you have premature ejaculation or that your girl is frigid in bed? Ah... she SAYS she will do it everytime. She says that, but she doesnt really knows cuz she never did it!! Sexual problems can ruin a relationship. Better discover them and correct them intime before engaging in a more serious (marriage) relationship.
I'm 20. I also think the divorcing has much to do with the couples themselves.

AcesHigh said:
Who buys a cow when you can get the milk for free? Exactly. Why would your boyfriend stay with YOU, if he can get sex with others?? You wont have sex with him during a long time of relationship before marriage. But do you REALLY think he will do the same?? Do you REALLY think that?
This may be one of the oldest things guys say to make a girl put out. How about respect? If the guy respects me, he'd respect my wishes on this (or else propose ;) ). If he wants it so bad, he'd be willing to leave me over this issue, so be it. As he didn't respect me in the first place and I can find better. People also have hands for a reason. :D I also don't expect the guy I marry to be a virgin, it's only my own agenda.

Social studies have shown that women who marry as virgins are less likely to get divorced, although this could be a cultural issue coming into play.

This may be only me, as in my culture it's expected for a female to be a virgin or else she's considered damaged property. I'm Chinese-Canadian btw. Yes, born confused. Although my mom is pretty liberal and laughs at me when I say I'll remain a virgin, thinking it won't happen. I'll prove her wrong. :lol:
mousewings said:
I'm waiting until marriage as I think it's smart instead of stupid.
Woah. :eek:

Believe it or not mousey, this is about the last think I thought I woulda heard comin' from your mouth. No offence or anything (seriously). Just struck me as odd.
RosesofShadow said:
I don't know where sabang beach is, is that a beach here in the Philippines? Please tell me where in the Philippines...Fuck, i don't know that sabang beach, maybe it's cool. Have you been in boracay? I've not been there though...
Sabang beach is one of the smaller islands in Puerto Galera, the boat first stops at P. Galera and then continues for like 15 min to Sabang, go NOW :tickled:
you wont regret it ;)

no boracay sounds nice, I´ve only been to sabang and Cebu, Cebu sucked wet goat :erk:
@RosesofShadow: respect!

@mousewings: respect!

@AcesHigh: go wank!

@Susie: someone has to be the wise guy around here :grin:
Alwin said:
just buy a couple of condoms and practice (with the hand)

god, I feel old now

Have you tried it?

AcesHigh said:
@Roseofshadow: there is no mistery in using condons. But be sure to ALWAYS
use them! ALWAYS. Buy a couple and as it was said before, try them and use your hands.
They are not bad at all. They dont hurt. Its a little weird the first time you put one,
then it becomes very normal. Also, would you like to discover too late that you have
premature ejaculation or that your girl is frigid in bed? Ah... she SAYS she will do
it everytime. She says that, but she doesnt really knows cuz she never did it!! Sexual
problems can ruin a relationship. Better discover them and correct them intime before
engaging in a more serious (marriage) relationship.

yes i kinda agree, most couples who were at first love birds but then when they discovered
that they do not satisfy each other especially in sex, they tend to break up. And i think
premature ejaculation is just okay because there's always the second time around. (If you
are quite energetic) I think she'll be a good partner both in sex and in married life.
But even though i might discover that she is not good in sex, i'll still love her.
Heck, she may even do not have babies at all because she is always irregular in her periods.
That's a bit problem to me, but that's ok cuz i love her. She doesn't even listens to metal.
But i'm convincing her.

Ante said:
Sabang beach is one of the smaller islands in Puerto Galera, the boat first
stops at P. Galera and then continues for like 15 min to Sabang, go NOW
you wont regret it

no boracay sounds nice, I´ve only been to sabang and Cebu, Cebu sucked wet goat

Oh i see. That's why i don't know sabang beach cuz i've never been there both.
Never been to Cebu too. I'm stuck here in Manila...shit. Why does it sucked wet goat?
i Think it's kinda pretty there.
ok, good luck Rose of Shadow. But try showing to her that unlike Mousewings said before, men DO BUY THE COW even if the milk is free. I mean... having sex before marriage wont change anything in your relation with exception that you two will get even more intimate, will share more things, and give pleasure and love one to the other.
RoseOfShadow: just now I realized that you said you guys arrived at the "intimate kissing" stage... after one year of relationship. I thought that meant oral sex or at least some breast sucking and such. But you said "intimate kissing" to be merely french kissing.

Well, in Brasil french kissing is the first step in a relationship... kinda like... you meet a girl in a party, say something interesting to her... if she dislikes you she say something like "you are an idiot" :) but if she likes you... you french kiss her (or intimate kiss) in the party. I mean... intimate kissing many times predate KNOWING the name of the other person.

I think that if you consider so advanced stage to be intimate kissing her, maybe you two should stay on that stage really... guess you guys are not ready yet for anything more.
i agree on waiting for the right person to have sex, but i don't agree on waiting until a certain paper is signed and the law says you're "married" for it. come on, if you really think the person is just after you for the sex or that it will damage your relationship, it means you don't trust them and you're not ready for it, period. being married is in no way a guarantee that your relationship is now "safe", as everyone should know, just the opposite in fact, it gets harder to keep the romance going.

in mexico, in particular, in my very conservative city, girls are expected to be virgins for marriage, and our sex education classes consist pretty much on telling scared 10 year old girls who haven't even had their periods yet what a horrible sin and disgrace it is if we're not virgins, and how we don't respect ourselves and our future husband if we don't wait... for guys, on the other hand, it is totally ok to go around fucking as they please, and in fact, they're kind of expected to so they can then teach their future wife. i have met really nice and funny guys that totally agreed with this point of view, yes, in this age and time.

i think making a decision of the "waiting until marriage" type is a self-imposed restraint that responsible adults who think and who actually know how to choose their relationships and someone who actually loves them, don't need to take. what if you found someone you really love, but marriage isn't a good idea at the moment because you're both students at the moment, or your finances aren't as good as you'd like them to be? etc etc.

i had this whole virginity point ruin a very important relationship of mine, because the guy was part of the Opus Dei (the catholic fundamentalists) and he had been brainwashed into thinking EVERYTHING was a sin. and when i say everything, i do mean everything, including the use of condoms as the guy who invented them went to hell body and soul, according to the bible :rolleyes: so even though we both wanted to, it was so hard for him to fight against what he had been taught all his life, that it ended up tearing him apart and he got really depressed for several years and confused about who he was and what he believed.

so for me, random meaningless sex, or "no strings attached" or "sex buddies" is totally unacceptable. but waiting for marriage just because you've been told all your life that it is the right thing to do is totally unacceptable as well. come on people, the important thing is love, not your status in front of god or the law or whatever.
good gracious violet! very well said...

AcesHigh said:
ok, good luck Rose of Shadow. But try showing to her that unlike Mousewings said before, men DO BUY THE COW even if the milk is free. I mean... having sex before marriage wont change anything in your relation with exception that you two will get even more intimate, will share more things, and give pleasure and love one to the other.

yes i agree too. It's just the fact that we're both scared to do it. If we accidentally made a baby, that will be a real problem. Her dad will kill me for it if that happens. So i don't want that to happen. her family has trust on me that i don't want to break.

And oh, we're already 3 years in relationship. Intimate kissing plus necking only, no breast sucking. And intimate kissing is i think not french kissing at all because you may not use your tongue but you intimately's like there is passion and love when you kiss unlike french kissing, you just use your tongue then it's french kissing already with or without love.

And man, two times a week? You're the man...All kinds of position?

Alwin said:
more than 11 years ago yeah

Man, that could be so slippery. And so embarassing when your mother would've caught you.
RosesofShadow said:
Man, that could be so slippery. And so embarassing when your mother would've caught you.
yeah well I was living on my own back then already
RosesofShadow said:
By the way i'm just new here, i just joined in August so i'm not familiar with you people yet.
when you get to the point were you actually starting to know us, you´re gonna miss this time in your life when you didnt ;)
Cebu sucked coz I went there for a date....when the date came she wasn´t alone :erk: fukcing BF :yell: I went to Cebu for NOTHING ssshhhhh *calms down*