Sexiest Body Part(Women & Men)

A nice butt on a guy is always very attractive to me. Not those bubble butts or tight body-building butts...just a nice butt that looks good in a bathing suit or a pair of loose fitting jeans, and enough to grab. Also, I'm the type that finds a certain quirk or uniqueness attractive; perhaps it's a weird flip of the hair, a crooked tooth, whatever. Something endearing is always attractive.
Hand fingers, must be long [not tooooooooo long and I hate short], not big, nice shape. Finger nails MUST be long [not toooooooo long, but, just a little] short nails look EXTREMELY ugly on a women.

Pussy, not just because it's a "pussy", but because I like the shape of it and it looks sexy :D :p

Nice legs, not fat legs.

There's more I could add... but...
Nice legs, not fat legs
Hey, HEY...I've got nice, fat legs, my husband says so. Can't stand bawk, bawk chicken legs. There's so much leg to hold, and my thick thighs look lovely in a pair of boots and short skirt. AND you should see me in a corset, I am the epitomy of sexiness. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Jannet
As long as you don't have hair sprouting from it, ok by me. That's damn sexy, baby *tweek, tweek* :p

I'm the same way, I'm never attracted to the perfect-looking player type. Quirks can be good.

Eyes are always the kicker. I get that little flip-flop in my chest when I look into a nice pair of eyes. Body-wise, yeah, I like squeezing some bum myself. :D