Sexiest Opeth man.

Who's the sexiest?

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Nice to see you round here sir.
Hell yeah! That would be fucking sweet... as I said, I'm currently looking for a job now, but I'll fly there soon (I hope) and also I FUCKING HOPE to be recovered by that time from my stupid gastritis illness so we can drink loads of alcohol, hang out and listen to some good metal, that's for sure.
By the way, did you go to the Amorphis concert, how was it?

Kenneth, I want to nominate myself as the 'other' official Opeth Chair-thrower, can I can I can I?

Dreadful said:
Hello all once again...I see we're all getting along like usual! (no sarcasm intended). I think the day Luz comes to the US, we all should pay to fly over and hang out with her. That would be super. It would be a near once in a lifetime opportunity! Alcohol and Opeth shall make some appearances. Plus, Joey and I are LONG, LONG overdue for the best jam session in music history anyway. For all you non US over too! lets trash some hotel in west hollywood, and to make it an Opeth related time for we shall drop a chair from the top floor of the hotel and watch it shatter to pieces!
I think Per is the sexiest. Nothing like a guy playing the keyboards and headbanging.

*violently watches Lamentations*
Luz said:
Nice to see you round here sir.
Hell yeah! That would be fucking sweet... as I said, I'm currently looking for a job now, but I'll fly there soon (I hope) and also I FUCKING HOPE to be recovered by that time from my stupid gastritis illness so we can drink loads of alcohol, hang out and listen to some good metal, that's for sure.
By the way, did you go to the Amorphis concert, how was it?

Kenneth, I want to nominate myself as the 'other' official Opeth Chair-thrower, can I can I can I?

haha fuckin everyone on the forum would be drinking, cept me and joey, i assume.
Décadent said:
Dorian - do standup for money
heh. actually, Deliverance and I still have that meth lab thing going, so there should be enough money for everyone.
cthulufhtagn said:
west hollywood's in reasonable driving distance
haha! im detecting some unfairness!
D1, i say we start an "east of the Mississippi" chapter. We could have a feud with these guys.
deliverance said:
okay, then i'm the only one on here smart enough to not drink, coooool.

Yuengling is the drink of the gods. Best beer ever. You'll change your mind if you try it.
of the few sips i've had of beer, it tastes like complete and utter shit.
drinking is pretty retarded if you ask me. i've only had a few sips of beer/wine ever, and it all sucks to me.

also, people just like to do it to get wasted, so they can throw up, and laugh at their friends while they act stupid, then drive home while intoxicated. call me crazy, but my idea of "fun" doesn't involve me throwing up all the place and not knowing wtf is going on.

alcohol/drugs = incredibly pointless. i'm proud to say i've never done any of that shit.
C'mon, you can't comment if you've never even been tipsy. People who drink to get sloshed are dumb, but I drink because it tastes incredible and makes me invincible. Beat that.