Be warned though; I tried editing guitars a couple of days ago and it narrows down the stereo width of double tracked guitars by a significant amount. I don't actually need to edit my guitars though, they're mostly tight enough but I tried it just for fun and I didn't really fall in love with the result so to speak. But then again, I chopped up almost every note and moved it pretty tight to the grid, maybe you will only be moving sections instead of note by note. If you plan on doing note by note, be prepared for some weird sounding guitars. They can still sound good, like without artifacts and stuff but you will probably reduce the stereo width.
Yeah, you play tight enough that you get phase cancellation, you don't need editing You're like MJ on guitar.
I suck at editing (or just can't make it sound natural), so it makes me have to play parts over and over again 'till I get it right. Win/win I guess, but time consuming.