Should I get it?


Jul 28, 2008
right outside Oslo, Norway
I was wondering wether I should get the first two albums, SX and Damnation Game. I am especially wondering about the first, since they say it's not so good and it's without Russell. But I am curious about this Rod Tyler. So can you give me an advice there??
The music on the s/t album is good, but I would really only recommend it to a die-hard fan of the band. Rod's vocals are just not good, in my opinion... they lack pretty much everything that Russell's vocals have. However, the album does contain the finest Symphony X track ever recorded... Shades of Grey.

The Damnation Game is worth it, particularly if you'd like to chart the evolution of the band from their early years. The music on this album is just as good as their debut album, but now it has the vocals to back it up! Songs like Dressed to Kill and The Edge of Forever are just as amazing as the stuff the band is releasing today.
Get the Damnation Game, don't waste your money on the S/T. That album is really only for the die hard fan and it's jut stupid anyway to buy it only for that reason.
Damnation Game was my first Sy-X cd (They were out of DWOT).
It's still one of my Sy-X favorites. I'm a freak, I like it better than V.

For the S/T, I'd say get it! Unless it's growlies, I tend to be somewhat forgiving on vox. Rod is no Russ, but he's not as horrible as some make him out to be. I also don't mind the debut DT cd, which also had a somewhat lesser singer than their current.
Damnation game is definitely worth it IMO

The S/t to me just isn't a must-have by any stretch of the term. I don't like the music or production at all and Rod Tyler's vocals are the final nail in the coffin for me. I'd only reccomend it for the guys who are big fans of the band and want to have everything they've put out.
I would say don't bother with self titled , as much as i would hate to see them loose a sale ,
When i first heard SX I went out and got all to date cd's they had out , I still try to listen to the S/T album but i just cant take it
I like Damnation Game but I havent played it in awhile. I never got around to getting the self titled... someday.

JD mentioned When Dream and Day Unite, I dont listen to that much anymore either, partly because I only have it on cassette but that was some radical shit for the late 80's. Dominici had that vocal attack that was more common for... ?experimental? metal bands around that period, I guess you could call it a strange melodic presentation thats mostly based on high octaves.

I appreaciate the older stuff. I just bought Thresholds 93 release - Wounded Land and Im really enjoying it.
Why don't you listen yourself and figure out if you want it?

Raging Seasons:

Absinthe and Rue:

hope it's ok to post here Jax n' J-Dubs... they exist on youtube and it will give the dude an idea of if he wants to hear it. Not like the sound quality is very good or anything, but it illustrates Tylers vocals.
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If you have the cash to spend and you really like the band, get the sunchips/towel album.

The production is lacking and the vocals are hit-or-miss, but there are some really cool moments. I do listen to it from time to time, but not frequently, to tell you honestly.

If you are into a lot of other bands though, and it's sunchips/towel or _____ album from another band you like, you're not missing a ton. Damnation Game and beyond is where's it at.
That makes SX sound too much like blended with.... Stix. I could hear Russell singing this stuff though, all the fimiliar elements are in the compositions.
Yeah, he doesnt really have a pleasing voice.....
He probably thought S/T meant SHIT since usually we are too polite to just write SHIT.

And yeah, they're good albums.
S/T=Sounds Terrible

haha I make myself laugh, no but really the S/T album is a strong piece in Symphony X history, I don't like Rod but I don't dislike. If you got the money get them both. They're both worth to be added to your collection. But if you're looking for a solid album, and are short on the cash go for 'The Damnation Game' Its by far the better purchase and will most likely get more play time in your stereo. 'The Edge of Forever' is one of my favourite Symphony X songs of all time.