Just got Symphony X's first two albums!

progmetalgod said:
I love The Damnation Game and don't understand why some fans don't like it saying it's lacking compared to TDWOT and what came after.
I´m one of those people. For me, the compositions on TDG just lack something, it feels like the band´s driving along at half speed, while the debut album showed what they can do, although with a far worse vocalist. Of course, any song on the self titles album pales in comparison to The Edge of Forever, but I take The Raging Season, Premonition, Absinthe and Rue or Rapture or Pain over The Damnation Game, Dressed to Kill, Whispers or Secrets any day.
Divine Wings Of Tragedy said:
IMO thomas miller wrote their best lyrics
Well, one can hardly say that because there was rarely one band member who wrote the lyrics to a song alone in the old days. However, their lyrics were better while Miller was part of the band (in my opinion, of course), so it´s probable.
I actually like the self-titled album. The only song on it that I can't stand is "Taunting the Notorious". Rod's voice is decent enough for me (he's nothing compared to Russ, though).

This may shock everyone, but aside from the s/t, my LEAST favorite Syx album is V.
my list from best-to-worst are as follows

1. The Oddyssey
2. V
4. Tio
5. LoteoF
6. DG
Havent got the s/t but i'm sure it will be #7
Out of all the albums, "V" took the longest to grow on me. I absolutely ADORED "The Damnation Game" the minute I heard it and it's been my constant favorite from them to this day. The debut has failed heavily to grow on me. I haven't listened to it since...........