Should I start a record label?


  • Put it on ice and come back to it in a year

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Opeth17 said:
It should be done sometime later this week. I have a couple large projects in the works and a couple other reviews I'm working on. This is really good stuff you've put together though. Noltem=win. In fact, there's my review. :loco:

good thing Noltem is instrumental :loco:
circus_brimstone said:
This is magic.
Most certainly.. do it. You will be happy with yourself if you do. This will boost your life up a notch and you will enjoy doing it. When it's finally released, you can sit back and say.."Yep, that's my release!" Espically with the great idea IMO of the HAMMERS re-issue demo... with possible bonus tracks of unrelased material? That would be killer and I would surely stock it in my distro.

I may do a label in the future myself.

Cheers and good luck. PM me if you ever wanna talk about it.
Awesome - thanks.

I guess that's part of the plan - help press the release(s) with all that goes with them, but then supply to distros just because I know I'm going to have problems distributing on an individual level (time constraints, 2 kids, more excuses).

Of course I guess that's where the trading game comes in, and man, if I can avoid that and just shift my inventory for wholesale $...I gotta think about what's feasible/realistic/convenient. And we are talking limited quantities here (one off pressings).
I have to agree that this is rewarding work! Even though I've only made one small press, once you get that box with the final product in it... you just look for a minute and you are filled with happiness. Be it your music, your press, or whatever- it's just great. You should really go for this idea.
Marksveld said:
Want to like... do a review that isn't for UM?

Yeah, man. I actually thought of that before I posted a reply, but I didn't want to hound you. ;) If you want, I could review the demo for both Scandinavian Metal (as long as you're from there; can't remember if you are) and The Metal Observer. PM me if you're interested... :)
Opeth17 said:
See my note in the other thread. Lyrics are so important that bands don't include them with their promos, nor did Marksveld. Though maybe for different reasons. :loco:
I bet most bands would include lyrics with the promos if they could, it's just that their labels are cheapasses... I've gotten lyrics with a cardboard promo like once -- surprisingly, Century Media sent a seperate lyrics sheet for Naglfar "Sheol"
Demilich said:
This is the kind of thing that keeps the faith in metal strong! A lot of respect is also owed to any spouse or partner who understands and supports the hard work that a guy like Emi or anyone else who does this puts into working 40+ hours a week and running a record label in his spare time!

haha amen. It's hard to find people who can really help too so running a label solo can be a task itself with 40+ hour work weeks :(

Jay, you got my full support brother. If there is ever anything i can help you with you got it.
