show last night (NYC 11/3)

winters epilogue said:
Oh man, Per totally rocks out harder than anyone else during Baying of the Hounds. I could not see him well at the very beginning, but I finally got a spot and the man was heading banging like there was no tomorrow. Very intense.

I agree. He has the perfect hair for the job too. ;)

Talk about hair, I saw some gorgeous hair last night.... and I'm talking about the guys, not the girls!!! There was this one guy with thick curly hair down to his waist. My hair is very long and curly, but I can't get it to be that long. I wanted to go up to him and ask him what products he uses. hehe.
Wolff said:
So evocative and emotional...

Were you expecting a techno act?

Play it live or increase those tempos? Huh? Do you even read what you write?

I disagree, and so did most of the people in the audience, and the forum.
So "noone (sic) gives a fuck" is a little too strong. And since we're at it, wrong.

such beautiful prose you write. Only problem being, namely it makes no sense. One cannot be good nice and clear and too quiet at the same time.

Yeah, it's supposed to be so effing loud that you go deaf.

No it doesn't. (Whom is it supposed to help anyway?) All it does is establish that you have a peanut brain. And a very small dick. Possibly both.

out of your 7 comments maybe 1 was worthy of discussion, and thats the one about PA volume. Dude, it was not loud enough, even through heavy parts I could easily talk to someone right next to me and in essence hear other unwanted conversations. which is not good for a rock show not to mention metal. I know they could have done better, and they should be aware of it.

as to the rest of your comments.. well.. try to say something that makes sense, it'll allow you to communicate with people better.

btw my dick and I are doing fine, thanks.;)