show tonight in NY ...


wait hang on, "I AM FUCKING EATING OVER HERE!!!"

just kidding, but still, that's making my queasy stomach a little worse... :ill: :lol:
i hope someone brings back all the yellow speedo pics for gugs, he really needs to see those.

that's like top 10 RC forum material right there.
i don't even have all the photshopped ones ... the one where I am loungin in the middle of some Katrina cleanup has got to be the winner
ok, just got back ... totally missed half the bands ... but in random orider ...

by the time I got there, Dew Scented already played ...

so I caught:

DESPISED ICON ... interesting mix of hardcore and Death Metal ... some of you into shit like Burnt by the Sun, etc. should dig this. 6 piece band with 2 vocalists, neither of which play an instrument, just run around the stage freaking out and yelling. Mind you, both sound the same as well ... people were outside smoking for this set, but they got a good pit going.

ABORTED ... this band at this point is just a run of the mill Death Metal band. Their heart is in it, but they have nothing unique to offer ...

DECAPITATED ... hehe, this was funny, because they got a huuuuuge reception as it seemd like half the NY Polish population was at this show. The band was so psyched and surprised that they started playing like a million miles an hour, totally turning all the gorgeous technical sounds into fucking a wall of shit noise. The crowd loved it (ie: the drunk kids just moshing to anything) but they left me totally dissapointed.

Notable happenings ... bumped into Gene Hoglan on the way for a smoke and almost bowed down to him ... then decided not to and just shook his hand and told him it was a real honor.

Saw Juliya briefly, she is a real shorty ... went by in front of me ... could have grabbed her ass for Gugs, but just had a laugh to myself.

There was a dude at the show, looked really familiar, long blonde hair, weird long blonde beard, he is in a BIG band I think ... everyone was saying hello to him and taking pics ... totally familair face, but could not place it for my life. He was hanging next to me with his chick, drinking ... kinda looks like the singer from Nevermore, but is not ... anyone know????+

And after that I left as my stupid ass friend came to the city and went to meet him, was going to go back and see Vader and Suffocation but totally was shot ... I guess I was not meant to EVER see Suffo.

best beard in metal

gonna see them in a few weeks
and missed Cryptosy as well ... i really felt old and weak tonight ... plus i went right to the show from the office which did not help.

need to settle down and have babies :loco:
i'm starting to think that way too and i'm like a decade younger than you. :loco:

i mean, i'm sort of starting to think that way. not ready to cash in my single chips just yet, but if i found the right chick i probably would.
i'm like a decade younger than you.

thanks for rubbing salt in the wound :loco:

fuck ... I cannot figure out who this dude was that everyone was ass kissing ...