show tonight in NY ...

there's one of me where the head actually moves too, let me find some of them.



Somehow, Lizard's is still better.


a classic

one more

FYI, I didn't do any of these, so don't regard me as THAT much of a sad loser.
this sucks ...

i see these guys at pretty much every show in NYC doing interviews and what not ... saw them alst night talking to Despised Icon singer and Covan from Decapitated on the streets of Times Square ...

Of course sloppy looking metal heads + fancy video gear + Times Square, NYC = fucking trouble

sucks for them ... great site BTW !!!
fuck thieves. if someone stole my music shit, i'd probably go on a rampage.

amps and cables and effects are just cash, but basses are extremely personal and i'd totally lose it if i lost mine. i mean i'd get over it eventually, but it might take awhile.