About 10 hours ago i embarked on a ride to go see Amon amarth in montreal,i had to take the bus and the bus itself was TRIPLE the price of the ticket to see amon amarth but on the good side i had some means of transportation to see one of the band i always wanted to see!This is a 2 hour ride.Also that day a didnt slept yet,ive been up for 40 hours +,ive been wanting to sleep all day,even when Behemoth and Quintessence played i was looking for a chair to crash on but when Amon amarth finally arrived on stage. . . . . ADRENALINE SURGE.Screw sleep i need to trash to the best band i know
All things considered it was still worth it and i would do it again anytime! The ticket was 19$ canadian but the bus was 65$ canadian + i was dead tired... Its funny i was asleep all the time but when that first string was hit,fatique was gone. They started the show with Annihilation of hammerfest. and in no particular order they also played Masters of war,Friends of the suncross,Victorious march,Ride for vengeance,God, his son and holy whore,Bleed for ancient god's,The last with pagan blood,For The Stabwounds In Our Backs,Versus The World,Thousand Years Of Oppression and Bloodshed!I let me tell that personnaly i was GLAD that Deicide was not there...wich made it so that AA was headlining and played longer,they deserve it way more!+ 3 of the songs were recall,yep 3 recalls at the end,was fcking great
Then when all was truely finish Johan proceed to stage dive,hehehe man hes a big fellow
Anyway i could talk about it forever but i do need some sleep!