

In Thor we trust
Mar 21, 2003
About 10 hours ago i embarked on a ride to go see Amon amarth in montreal,i had to take the bus and the bus itself was TRIPLE the price of the ticket to see amon amarth but on the good side i had some means of transportation to see one of the band i always wanted to see!This is a 2 hour ride.Also that day a didnt slept yet,ive been up for 40 hours +,ive been wanting to sleep all day,even when Behemoth and Quintessence played i was looking for a chair to crash on but when Amon amarth finally arrived on stage. . . . . ADRENALINE SURGE.Screw sleep i need to trash to the best band i know :D All things considered it was still worth it and i would do it again anytime! The ticket was 19$ canadian but the bus was 65$ canadian + i was dead tired... Its funny i was asleep all the time but when that first string was hit,fatique was gone. They started the show with Annihilation of hammerfest. and in no particular order they also played Masters of war,Friends of the suncross,Victorious march,Ride for vengeance,God, his son and holy whore,Bleed for ancient god's,The last with pagan blood,For The Stabwounds In Our Backs,Versus The World,Thousand Years Of Oppression and Bloodshed!I let me tell that personnaly i was GLAD that Deicide was not there...wich made it so that AA was headlining and played longer,they deserve it way more!+ 3 of the songs were recall,yep 3 recalls at the end,was fcking great :) Then when all was truely finish Johan proceed to stage dive,hehehe man hes a big fellow :)Anyway i could talk about it forever but i do need some sleep!

That's badass you had so much fun. I had just as much fun when they played here. That's pretty cool that Deicide did not play, and Amon Amarth's time wasn't limited by such a washed-out (In my opinion) band.

Glen Benton was drunk the whole time at the shows I went to, and he tried to play songs multiple times and was talking shit to everyone in the crowd.
Damn, it sounds really great =) I get tears from reading this, to bad they didnt play the sound of eight hooves and releasing surtur´s fire. Those are the songs i really want to hear live!

Np: Amon Amarth - The sound eight hooves
You bastard! LOL. AA was alotted only 45 minutes on Sunday in Providence, R.I. Behemoth's set was also 45 minutes. I told Olavi and Fredrik after the show that they should have headlined. They were definitely the 2 best bands that night.
Hey I left after the 2nd recall..

EXCELLENT show.. but I wanted them to play WITHOUT FEAR :(

Victorious March is so POWERFUL...

Did they do it on the 3rd recall?..

Abyssic Torment it was the best show i saw,and your damn right about Deicide...... Amon amarth should headline the whole fucking tour!!!!!!

Decadawn,u were in montreal?Were u the guy wearing the chainmail?They didnt play without fear on 3rd recall,it was Ride for vengeance!

Amon Amarth rules!!!

p.s: still pisses me off i couldnt make them sign my album! Was restricted by bus schedule >:(
decadawn said:
No I wasn't wearing a chain mall! lol

I had a tuque.. ;)

A tuque? Damn were u that guy who was listing some of is injury he had? i think it was either in bike stunts or skateboard... Anyhow,i was the guy crashed on the table half-asleep....
I drove up from New Brunswick to that show in montreal. 12 hour drive over night almost hit a deer on the way and almost slid off the road. I got in montreal around 8am and got about an hours sleep at 1pm (i was up sence 11am sunday morning) after that hour of sleep i was ready for the show. I got to meet Adrian Bromley of Unrestrained!, and got the singer of behemoth to sign my ticket. also got my picture taken with kataklysm and got them to sign my ticket too. I didnt get to see the first band play because the ticket line was to long and stupid me waited till it got shorter before standing in line. I did buy there CD though. Behemoth were awsome and so were Amon Amarth. to bad behemoth were sold out of CDs by the time i got there. I did get to pick up The Avenger. Wish i could have got some members to sign my ticket and CD though.

Kuzutetsu said:
The guy with the tuque and the chainmal that was talking 'bout his injuries

Sorry I answered so late, this goddamn forum admin would'nt let me register

Uuuu were the guy with the chain mail? If u are then im the guy who ask u to scream VIIIICCTOOOORRIIIOOUS MAAARCH inbetween songs! LOL!
ASSASSIN651 said:
You are so lucky. I havent been able to catch a show where I am, they did play in tampa but I was broke that week. :(

Man i had 80$ and barrowed 40 so i went to see the show with about 120$

Ticket was 20$
Taking the bus for 3 hours = 25$
Eating = 6$
Drinking = 8$ (i didnt sleep that day so i was already pretty f*ck up with onl 2 beers lol!)
AA Cd= 15$
Coming back home= another 25$ + 8$
107$, i was now broke :)

So the only thing u need to remember is that,well... it was aaaaaaaaaaallll worth it!!! Yeeeeeeeeaaah!!!!