Sick of CoB


Dec 22, 2005
im getting kind of sick of CoB now, so could anyone recommend some other kickass bands to listen to and special albums? (preferably in the same genre or something like it)
K-z-H said:
im getting kind of sick of CoB now, so could anyone recommend some other kickass bands to listen to and special albums? (preferably in the same genre or something like it)
In the same genre? Korn, Slipknot, SOAD, Limp Bizkit, Staind.
the new Norther album is great... always recommend Amon Amarth, Dark Tranquility, if you've never heard Death or not heard much, listen to them, Bolt Thrower has some great shit, Old Mans Child's new album is insane, theres a band my friend sent me recently, broken up though, but they were called Abraxas, they were a prog metal band though... Into Eternity's latest album is pretty killer, and if you want to, check out my friend kris norris of darkest hour's side project, locus factor,
Hylian said:
In the same genre? Korn, Slipknot, SOAD, Limp Bizkit, Staind.

:worship: :lol: :worship: well i guess i should be more specific!

i meant in the melodic death genre or some stuff like that
Kalmah, Dark Tranquillity, Opeth, Norther, Amon Amarth, Catamenia, Ensiferum, Wintersun? can't think of more atm :loco:

and yeah Elysian i checked out Old Mans Child it's awesome.
K-z-H said:

:worship: :lol: :worship: well i guess i should be more specific!

i meant in the melodic death genre or some stuff like that
Hehe :D
Well, most of the bands I can probably think of have already been mentioned in the other replies. You could try some early In Flames as well, I think they haven't been mentioned yet.
so, mephisto, post your fucking 666th post and its better gonna be some kewl text
Amon Amarth is good indeed, as is Amok-era Sentenced (well to me all Sentenced is good, but you asked for melodeath-ish stuff) and (earlier) In Flames...but theres so much more of course.;)