

Bloody vaginal belch
Oct 20, 2007
I have a fever of 39 degrees Celcius(102 farenheit).. it sucks majorly.
Im dizzy, going between shivering and sweating my ass of, and i have a cough that makes me want to kill my self.

.. I blame Iceland! :flame:
Sounds like pneumonia man, hurry to the doctor and get an x-ray. I was like that and didn't get the proper treatment because my GP thought it was a virus. A week later I went to a hospital and got an x-ray... stayed there 9 days and it was terrible. I spent the whole day lying in a bed with a fever, doing nothing and getting filled up with all kinds of antibiotics and stuff. I had no appetite and the bathroom was filthy. It was awful :Puke:
Hah, I'm still on sick leave until friday. Basically I was just shitting and puking for 4 days :Puke:
Still feel miserable, and I don't know about you, but having some time off from work isn't that bad in the end :D
Get well soon!
I think hangovers suck even more.
Srsly :lol:

Wow, you never had high fever then? :lol:
Ive had some horrid hangovers in my life, but this is waaaaaaaaaay worse.

Sounds like pneumonia man, hurry to the doctor and get an x-ray. I was like that and didn't get the proper treatment because my GP thought it was a virus. A week later I went to a hospital and got an x-ray... stayed there 9 days and it was terrible. I spent the whole day lying in a bed with a fever, doing nothing and getting filled up with all kinds of antibiotics and stuff. I had no appetite and the bathroom was filthy. It was awful :Puke:

Naah, i was at a friends house this weekend, and there was this guy there coughing.. turns out like everyone that was at that party are sick now, and they are all having the same symptoms(I have the record in temperature though.).
My fever is already down to 37,5.. so i dont think its anything to worry about really, they usually say that if it lasts over a week without dropping in temperature, you should visit the doctor(Or if you go up in fever ofc.).
In my subjective view my worst hangovers were even more terrible than 39°-40° fever I had :erk:
Only thing that sucked more was my swollen tit at the beginning of this year for a month... The pain made me cry (+ fever etc) :lol:
You must get really bad hangovers then. o,0
If i got that sick from drinking, i would stop immediately.. i mean, when you have 40° fever or higher you start to hallucinate, you cant stand up for more then 20 seconds without help, clothes touching your skin feels like being raped by a thousand razor blades and you feel constantly disoriented.

Hangovers for me can be cured by drinking a bottle of water, taking a huge dump, and then i order the fattest food i can find.. after that, im good as new! ;P
I've drunk so much i should be dead and i promise you a really high fever feels WAY worse than any hangover

Same here.. i once drank a grand total of ~5 liters of hard liquor during one night without throwing up.
I couldnt eat for 3 days afterwards, because i had lost my swallowing reflex, so all i could do was pour water down my throat and let it run down by it self(Had to sort of exhale and inhale at the same time so it didnt get in to my lungs.), and even that one didnt beat the time i had 40° of fever(But it was worse then this one.).