
I don't really care, why?

1. I like Slipknot...::gasp:: It's funny, i know a lot of people will hate me for it but if you do your pretty fucking stupid to hate someone because they like a certain band
2. even though they are nu-metal they are one of the only nu-metal bands that are good, but like they said in the Arch Enemy board, that's like being top student in a special ed class :lol:
3. I agree with both of Chasm's points...i noticed a lot of slipknot haters pay more attention to the band then me or many other slipknot fans. It's hilarious. What's more hysterical is you checked out their new song, which can only be heard on their site, what the fuck were you doing at the official site of a band you seem to hate.
Also part 2 of this i want to say that unless i see an article of a band in their magazine or look around their official site(which is usually for discography and info about them) i never know what bands i listen to look like, hell If i wasn't watching a live concert of cryptopsy a few minutes ago i'd never know what they looked like, and i still have never seen what the members of emperor looked like because truely i don't care
4. I agree with Ross, this will open more people up to more extreme music

ShadowOfDeath said:
Also part 2 of this i want to say that unless i see an article of a band in their magazine or look around their official site(which is usually for discography and info about them) i never know what bands i listen to look like, hell If i wasn't watching a live concert of cryptopsy a few minutes ago i'd never know what they looked like, and i still have never seen what the members of emperor looked like because truely i don't care
Well, fuckwit, maybe if you actually went out and BOUGHT some CD's instead of downloading them, you'd have an idea what they look like from the pictures in the booklet.

Cheap cunt.
Chopstick up the Peehole said:
Well, fuckwit, maybe if you actually went out and BOUGHT some CD's instead of downloading them, you'd have an idea what they look like from the pictures in the booklet.

Cheap cunt.

you 5 year old attempts for insults fail to amuse me :Smug:

I do buy CDs. What makes you think i download them? :rolleyes: sure i have downloaded a couple(which i also ended up buying a while ago and deleting off my hard drive) but how else would i find good bands? All my friends hate death metal. Besides unless i'm bored i don't look in the booklets until a while after i bought the CD
:rock: :rock: :rock:

I am more metal than all of you, therefore I will be selling all of my Decapitated CDs in light of this new information!

Actually you would be surprised what most the the "true" metal band members listen to. If you were to boycott them for listening or displaying interest in music other than "metal", you would have a 5-10 CD collection.
As much as I hate to stray from the English lessons and gay sex chat...

I don't understand why some of you are so worked up that someone is suprised at members of a death metal band representing something so un-death metal. Is it because you like Slipknot? Is it because you're trying hard to keep up your own "open-minded metalhead" image that I hear so much about? It's just something to discuss.

I'm willing to guess that Decapitated, being European, aren't quite in touch with the American metal scene and what Slipknot represent, so I'd cut them some slack.
ShadowOfDeath said:
you 5 year old attempts for insults fail to amuse me :Smug:

I do buy CDs. What makes you think i download them? :rolleyes: sure i have downloaded a couple(which i also ended up buying a while ago and deleting off my hard drive) but how else would i find good bands? All my friends hate death metal. Besides unless i'm bored i don't look in the booklets until a while after i bought the CD

How the fuck do you not know what the band you listen to look like? 90% of cd booklets have the fucking bands pic in them! Go back to the "slipknot contributes to death tribute" thread where you can sing corey's praises you fucking semen slurping salad tossing tiny tim titmouse!
Does it really matter?

On my Vader DVD, a lot of the band members like a lot of non-metal bands such as:
Peter liking Marilyn Manson, Doc liking Korn, Shambo liking Korn, Prodigy, & U2

If Decapitated and Immolation started sounding like Slipknot, then you should be sickened.