Sidney bootleg review


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
So I listened to almost the whole Sidney bootleg (btw don´t be confused, "Death Riot" stands for Deathrider :) ) and I am still not decided whether to go to the July show or not. I try not to be biased but Joey didn´t convince me. I have to admit he sounds pretty good on bunch of songs (NFL is probably the best one) but there were some tunes he sucked on badly, Among The Living was the first and then Deathrider was fucking ATROCIOUS, I bet Neil Turbin would kick Joey´s ass for that one. Don´t get me wrong, remember when years ago there was some Inside Out live mp3 posted on the official page and I would be the first one to admit Bush kinda sucks, he was off key for some parts but at least his vocals had balls, which Joey lacks, his vocals was, is and always be weak for thrash metal. The second thing, Danny Spitz wishes he had Rob Caggiano´s (or Paul Crook´s for that matter) tone...he fucks up on Caught In A Mosh lead badly (and the fact he´s the original player of the leads makes it even worse). But there are some very good points, I think Charlie plays even better than before-he did some very interesting chops in NFL, Frankie´s backing vocals rule as well, and I caught myself banging my head and singing to Be All End All, next to the PC screen :), and what was also very good was a killer crowd response, the atmosphere must have been maniac. Anyway, my opinion hasn´t changed, which is probably all right. Cheers to the old schoolers and bring back Bush.
id still go man. even if you dont like joeys vocals, you still get to see mr frankie bello running rampant once again! he is amazing. Hmm where danny may lack robs tone he makes up for it in the actual playing of the solos. Id honestly still trot along man if i were you
I heard the Sydney show too, and yeah there were mistakes, but overall I thought it was a really good show, and it's early in the tour, so the band's only gonna get tighter and better imo! :headbang:
strik9 said:
I heard the Sydney show too, and yeah there were mistakes, but overall I thought it was a really good show, and it's early in the tour, so the band's only gonna get tighter and better imo! :headbang:

Yeah, you´re probably right.
johnnieCzech said:
Yeah, you´re probably right.

Thanks, but do what you want dude, it's your choice and your money! Like others said you might just have a good time?! If you have the faintest interest in going, I think you should go, 'cause at least that way you'll know for sure if you like it or not. Or at least get a better/different perspective than listening to bootlegs!?
johnnieCzech said:
So I listened to almost the whole Sidney bootleg (btw don´t be confused, "Death Riot" stands for Deathrider :) ) and I am still not decided whether to go to the July show or not. I try not to be biased but Joey didn´t convince me. I have to admit he sounds pretty good on bunch of songs (NFL is probably the best one) but there were some tunes he sucked on badly, Among The Living was the first and then Deathrider was fucking ATROCIOUS, I bet Neil Turbin would kick Joey´s ass for that one. Don´t get me wrong, remember when years ago there was some Inside Out live mp3 posted on the official page and I would be the first one to admit Bush kinda sucks, he was off key for some parts but at least his vocals had balls, which Joey lacks, his vocals was, is and always be weak for thrash metal. The second thing, Danny Spitz wishes he had Rob Caggiano´s (or Paul Crook´s for that matter) tone...he fucks up on Caught In A Mosh lead badly (and the fact he´s the original player of the leads makes it even worse). But there are some very good points, I think Charlie plays even better than before-he did some very interesting chops in NFL, Frankie´s backing vocals rule as well, and I caught myself banging my head and singing to Be All End All, next to the PC screen :), and what was also very good was a killer crowd response, the atmosphere must have been maniac. Anyway, my opinion hasn´t changed, which is probably all right. Cheers to the old schoolers and bring back Bush.

Hey, I'm a Bush supporter as well but I highly recommend going to see this line - up. I had my reservations about Joey and Dan, but man.... at the end of the night I had way to much fun to care.

They where very tight onstage in Perth on Wednesday night and I'm glad I went.
johnnieCzech said:
So I listened to almost the whole Sidney bootleg (btw don´t be confused, "Death Riot" stands for Deathrider :) ) and I am still not decided whether to go to the July show or not. I try not to be biased but Joey didn´t convince me. I have to admit he sounds pretty good on bunch of songs (NFL is probably the best one) but there were some tunes he sucked on badly, Among The Living was the first and then Deathrider was fucking ATROCIOUS, I bet Neil Turbin would kick Joey´s ass for that one. Don´t get me wrong, remember when years ago there was some Inside Out live mp3 posted on the official page and I would be the first one to admit Bush kinda sucks, he was off key for some parts but at least his vocals had balls, which Joey lacks, his vocals was, is and always be weak for thrash metal. The second thing, Danny Spitz wishes he had Rob Caggiano´s (or Paul Crook´s for that matter) tone...he fucks up on Caught In A Mosh lead badly (and the fact he´s the original player of the leads makes it even worse). But there are some very good points, I think Charlie plays even better than before-he did some very interesting chops in NFL, Frankie´s backing vocals rule as well, and I caught myself banging my head and singing to Be All End All, next to the PC screen :), and what was also very good was a killer crowd response, the atmosphere must have been maniac. Anyway, my opinion hasn´t changed, which is probably all right. Cheers to the old schoolers and bring back Bush.

Dude....just go to the fukin gig....youll have a blast...dont go judgin this on the merits of who is the best singer....whos the best guitarist or whatever the fuck everyone is goin on about.....judge it on if YOU enjoy it.....if you dont have a blast....fine.....I know when I saw em in Dublin it fukin ruled....there were probably some people that didnt enjoy it....each to their fukin own.....if you dont go....some time down the line you may kick your own ass for not going (had a similar experience with a Slayer gig I missed....they played the WHOLE of Reign in Blood as an ENCORE....FUCK....I SHOULDA GONE) should go....if you enjoy it...good....if not...whatever...youve had a night out
johnnieCzech said:
but at least his vocals had balls, which Joey lacks, his vocals was, is and always be weak for thrash metal.

Personally i wouldnt call anything that anthrax has released since hiring Bush "Thrash Metal" (TGO@E excluded)

As an anthrax fan you should go, there is just so much energy on the stage, by the end of the night, regardless of wether or not you like his vocals, you'll think joey is a fucking legend!!! There is just too much to like about the guy :headbang:
It's a bootleg.....of course it sounds "shit" compared to pro recorded/edited in the studio live recordings....

Yoeys vocals are anything but weak and excellently suited for thrash metal, actually ANTHRAX stopped making thrash in 1993!

I have so many bootlegs from Priest/Maiden/Slayer you name it they all sound this way.
NO he doesn't he's just a supporter of Bush era ANTHRAX, just like I am from Joey era ANTHRAX!

When I hear back bootleg recordings of my own band's shows I always think we sounded like ass too while when I was on stage everything sounded tight and in's just the nature of bootlegs...

Anyway I still think the Sydney bootleg kicks ass! but like with all bootlegs I'll listen to it once or twice to never listen to it again, I'll wait for the DVD!
spacebeer said:
NO he doesn't he's just a supporter of Bush era ANTHRAX, just like I am from Joey era ANTHRAX!

When I hear back bootleg recordings of my own band's shows I always think we sounded like ass too while when I was on stage everything sounded tight and in's just the nature of bootlegs...

Anyway I still think the Sydney bootleg kicks ass! but like with all bootlegs I'll listen to it once or twice to never listen to it again, I'll wait for the DVD!

lol this is like the first time since the reunion that bush and joey fans seem to getting on!good stuff
Well I still don't agree to his opinion HAHAHHAHA! IMO the only real ANTHRAX is with Belladonna/Bello and Spitz! Just no need to become personal...

I wholeheartedly agree with PyroVesten if you see any of the shows there's no doubt in my mind either...they totally kicked ass!
Go to the show. Have a few beers with your friends, and have a good time. If you hate it, fine. If you love it fine. Judge for yourself. It's the only way.
Go man, as people have been saying there is simply way too much fun to be had with this lineup to pass up and I think you'd love it. Joey and Frank are electrifying !!
Thrash fiend said:
Go man, as people have been saying there is simply way too much fun to be had with this lineup to pass up and I think you'd love it. Joey and Frank are electrifying !!

fuckin yasss! i hope they play H8 RED