Silly things that make you irrationately/unproportionately annoyed or upset

"Don't call me Hispanic, Spanish, or Latino...I'm a fucking Mexican."

Yep. That's pretty much what they say.

I don't think anyone here realizes it yet, but black culture in the US is becoming a lot more white. Tight pants and stuff are in now, as well as the "rockstar" image. Shitty rappers like Drake and Kid Cudi that rap about being depressed instead of gangbanging.

The point I'm making here, is black culture may not be so dumbed down and ghetto in 20 years. It's probably just a fad though.
While we're on the subject of being P.C., I don't agree with it. Race, from what I understand, is generalization based off of social concepts. I know black people who get pissed off if you call them African-American whereas other black people pull the "I am not black, I'm African-American." bullshit. I am considered white by racial standards when in reality, if I wanted to be a dick about it, I would require individuals to consider me Italian-American. A lot of 'white' people walk on eggshells for minorities, which I will not do, mainly because these minorities take the shit for granted.

For example, about a year ago, I was driving down the road and there were these two black punks trying to cross the street (not at a crosswalk). I stopped so that they could get to the other side safely. I didn't do this because they are black; I did it because they were two humans trying to cross the street. Rather than waving to thank me and such, they proceeded to call me shit like "Fucking whiteboy" and such. I flipped them off, called them "Fucking faggots" and drove away. Another example is something that happened to a friend of mine. He was going into a gas station, held the door open for a black woman and said "Here you go, ma'am.". Her response was "Fuck you, white trash!". His response to that was "Fuck you, you fucking my pals! I'm not fucking white trash you fucking black bitch!", or something to that effect.

The more and more I see this country conforming to tolerance and the more I see this tolerance taken for granted makes me find myself becoming racist. I have Asian friends, black friends, Mexican friends etc. which will never change but I tend to generalize individuals based off of stereotypes until proven otherwise, instead of the other way around. My philosophy has always been this:
You have your white people and you have your White Trash or Crackers.
You have your black people and you have your my pals.
You have your Asians and you have your Gooks or Chinks.
You have your Mexicans and you have your Beaners.

The list goes on. That being said, going back to the race-card "I'm the victim!" bullshit, I've witnessed this first hand on several occasions. The word "my pals" has been deemed a discriminatory term toward black people due to the association of black people and the true meaning of the word, "Used as a disparaging term for a member of any socially, economically, or politically deprived group of people.". This definition is a broad term that can be used to discriminate against people of any ethnic background. This is why you hear individuals saying that Irish people are the my pals of Europe.

The beginning of this quarter at my university was the first quarter for a few of us who were in the same graduating class of the previous college I attended. Since we knew each other from the previous 2 years of being in school, we all entered the same classes. We were sitting in class one evening and my friend Dan filled out this magazine subscription insert by picking out a bunch of women's magazines and putting Alex's information on it. For a joke, Alex wrote 'my pals' on the back of it and handed it to me (Alex has the same views as I do). Well, Jessie, a stupid black fat bitch that I had to put up with for two years was sitting behind us and saw it. To give you an image of her, during our second year in the Network program (IT) at our school, she asked me how to reset a home router. She received special treatment from one of our instructors because she is black, which allowed her to pass her classes.

During class, she wrote a note to me asking if what Alex wrote said what she thought it said. I turned to her and said "I'm not getting in the middle of this.". After class, she confronted Alex about it, pulling the "That word affects me this way....blah blah" bullshit and Alex apologized. Well, she sent an E-Mail to our professor and mentioned Alex's name. The next class, our professor kicked him out of both classes and said that he refuses to teach him. Why is this? Most professors wouldn't go as far as fucking up a student's education without allowing the student to explain himself/herself. He didn't allow any explanation and the reason for this is because our professor is part black. He pulled the race-card bullshit, like a lot of fucking people do.

If someone called me a WOP or any derogatory term based off of my ethnic background, I'd fucking laugh. Hell, I have friends that call me WOP all the time and it does not bother me one bit. A lot of people generalize all Italians to have Mafia ties and to talk with their hands more often than others. These, are based off of stereotypes, which were created socially due to truth. I'll admit, I talk with my hands more often than others may and do have family Mafia background. Shortly after my great great grandfather came here from Europe, he was in the Mafia, bootlegging with someone you may know as Al Capone.

The reason why many individuals are racist is due to the fact that these races GIVE them something to be racist about. Like I said, I have friends of different race but I consider myself half-racist. I lived in Central Washington (Moses Lake) for a number of years. I often visit there due to family and I can honestly say that Mexicans make up most of the population. I dislike Mexicans most out of any race because of my experiences with Mexicans, especially in that town. A lot of them don't speak English and refuse to learn, a lot of them will talk shit about you (if you're not Mexican) in public, in Spanish, a lot of them will feed off of our taxes and our government because they don't want to work etc. I'm not saying EVERY Mexican is like that but it's based off of my experience when dealing with them. My neighbors are upper-middle class Mexicans and I am friends with them. Nick's AIM alias is a variation of 'beanerlol' and he listens to metal. His brother also listens to metal and they both play instruments: they're good people and we share the same interests.

In conclusion, I'm so fucking sick and tired of having to be careful not to offend 'minorities'. Why should I go out of my way to help or even to respect somebody who has no respect for me? Respect is a two-way street, it isn't one-sided. It's O.K. to call white people 'White Trash' or whatever but if we call you 'my pals', it's not O.K. Oh but wait, you can also call each other 'my pals' or 'Nigga' but if we do it, we'll be on CNN. It's complete fucking hypocritical bullshit and I don't agree with it.
Everyone has their own unique identification with culture, ethnicity, and race. Terms like Latino and Hispanic were created for people who were tired of all Spanish speakers from the Americas being called Mexicans. There are people of Mexican ancestry that identify with those terms just as there are those who insist on being called "Tejanos" or even "Mexican-Americans." I know a Cherokee who prefers to be called an Indian because he thinks "Native American" sounds stupid, and I know a Sioux who is very vocal and proud to be Sioux and doesn't want to be lumped in with those other tribes.

None of it has much scientific basis, it is all about what people identify with and believe themselves to be, so I say call yourself whatever you want, but don't expect others to identify you the same way you identify yourself.

^ This is also very changes from person to person, depending on specific ethinic backgrounds and personal tastes.
"Latino" just groups everyone together, much like "Asian," etc. I'm very aware of this.

I guess I'm biased because I live in Ukiah, and the population is about 50% Mexican.. from Mexico. Speaking of which, I'm hungry...flautas sound reeeeally good right now. *migrates to food thread*
Damn, CatMessiah. If black people acted like that in Houston, I'd hate them all by the end of the night. I'm always holding the door open for them and stuff, they're usually really polite here. Even the crackheads.

But then again, fucking Mexicans fit your description of those blacks here. I am racist by the way, I want Mexicans dead. I am generalizing and exaggerating, but they're rude and they're jerks.
Damn, CatMessiah. If black people acted like that in Houston, I'd hate them all by the end of the night. I'm always holding the door open for them and stuff, they're usually really polite here. Even the crackheads.

But then again, fucking Mexicans fit your description of those blacks here. I am racist by the way, I want Mexicans dead. I am generalizing and exaggerating, but they're rude and they're jerks.

I don't blame you dude....I've lived in San Antonio before so I feel your pain.
for some reason you think that having a serious conversation on the internet is impossible.
This is the only part of your post I feel like responding to. Everything else... ok cool, I won't deny you your opinion.

So let's get serious. This sentence I quoted is definitely not true. When I say things like people take the internet too seriously, I mean they let it's harmless negative aspects affect them too much. For example, I could take your post to heart here and get mad or upset and reply about how wrong you are, but the fact of the matter is at the end of the day you mean absolutely ZERO to me in my life (and vice versa, I'm sure). Why should I waste my energy worrying about what you think of me?

When people complain online about irrelevant stuff like this, I think it's pretty stupid so I make fun of it. I'm not being malicious or mean or trying to hurt anybody. I'm simply making fun of something I think deserves to be made fun of. If people can't handle that, I'm sorry. They're the essence of what I'm talking about here. I'm not specifically naming people here that are guilty of this because everyone does it at some point or another, some more than others. It's happening right now as I type this. I am guilty myself. I know that merely responding to you implies some sort of "care" on my part and I guess that's true but it's because I want you to understand my perspective.

I fully believe in having a serious conversation on the internet. There have been endless threads of serious discussion here that I've participated in. Those kinds of threads are half the reason I like this board so much. What I WILL make fun of and not take seriously is when people get butthurt over stupid things, like what someone on a forum said or thinks about them, or an offensive picture that someone posts, or whatever else makes no difference to anybody.

So let's do it now. Let's have a serious discussion. Would you agree or disagree that it's pointless to let things on a computer screen bother you enough to react when it's out of your life completely as soon as you stand up and walk away from the machine?

I know people here are sick and tired of these long-winded whinefests we're getting involved in, so if you'd like, I'm willing to take this to a new thread or a PM so people that don't care won't have to deal with it. I honestly think we're merely misunderstanding each other here. So I put the task to you, let's have a serious discussion and see if we can't get on the same page and get this figured out.
i live in Maine and we had a kid come into our school from out west and was shocked we told him we only have like 5 black students so i guess (according to him) we got it good...i don't get it really all the hate but we don't have much of a minority population up here i don't run into encounters like so of the others do...all the black guys that went to our school over the years seemed cool enough and i was friend with some of them but i guess its just certain places.
So let's do it now. Let's have a serious discussion. Would you agree or disagree that it's pointless to let things on a computer screen bother you enough to react when it's out of your life completely as soon as you stand up and walk away from the machine?

I really hope you weren't offended and I mean that in all sincerity. It doesn't seem like you were offended so I'm happy about may surprise you to know that in all actuality I detest bitchfests. I'm just a sucker for proving a point.

To answer your question, that would depend on the manner in which one reacts to reading something that bothers him/her. Would I spew soda all over my keyboard and then light my monitor on fire and punch a hole in the wall then make personal threats to the person? Of course me, THAT is the definition of taking the intarweb too seriously.

However, responding in kind to something posted on a forum, even with sharp words occasionally (hopefully not insulting or berating), would absolutely be appropriate. That's what it's there for; we can't all be made out of sunshine and popcorn farts.

I get this feeling from you (and please correct me if I'm wrong) that you feel by not blowing off or ignoring an argument, you automatically are vulnerable to ridicule. It seems like maybe you feel that responding to someone seriously on a message board makes you look stupid, almost like your friends are watching you type and you want to save face.

You see, when I read that big long response you posted, your point of view was made much more clear than posting something short and sarcastic. The people here who try to be funny with sarcasm really aren't; they're just being assholes. By now you know I'm very opinionated and have points of view that many would consider me an asshole, and that's perfectly fine because that's who I am. But I'm not trying to hide behind passive aggressive sarcasm like so many others. If yer gonna be an asshole, just be up front about it. (This isn't about you, just in general)

I do think you should just be honest with yourself and stop worrying about what other people think about you, even though you may tell yourself you don't care. There's nothing wrong with failing to live up to every single one of your expectations you've set for yourself; we're only human.

Sure, maybe you, neal, and Captain Beard will continue to gang up on me and ridicule me for responding seriously to a topic, but that's fine. It's fun sometimes. If they died today, I really wouldn't care (well, I would feel bad for their loved ones)...and that's the asshole part of me. That's truly not caring about anyone...their opinions, their lives, etc., not saying "I don't give a shit" and then bottling it all up inside. But I'm honest about it and I don't need to hide behind sarcasm or pretend I don't care to prove my point.

I personally prefer discussions in this manner, over the internet. It allows for a more free-flowing of speech, less barriers, less awkwardness. It allows me to keep a distance between my real life and my life online. It sounds kinda mean and I don't mean it to be rude at all, it's just how I am.
I honestly believe some of you are racists.

It only took this thread to bring it out, haha.

But really, quit being such racists.
The problem with posting long responses is that they can be, and often are, error prone. The more you write, the more you have a chance to fuck up. The opinion matters less than the basic point one makes, if such a point is made.
The problem with posting long responses is that they can be, and often are, error prone. The more you write, the more you have a chance to fuck up. The opinion matters less than the basic point one makes, if such a point is made.

This is a conundrum I battle with frequently, and will address in my reply to DW. Basically, I have a hard time finding the threshold between explaining myself properly and keeping it as short and concise and un-wordy as possible. Sometimes I fail and stop caring and just type type type. Or sometimes I fail and stop caring and just say "Dude."