Silly things that make you irrationately/unproportionately annoyed or upset

Exactly! I have to do a paper project for my Sociology class on The Drug Wars or some shit. One of the points that was argued in the lecture is that there are more black people in prisons than whites. Well, duh! They're the ones getting into trouble!

Then it goes off to argue that convictions for cocaine ("rich white people drug") and crack ("poor people drug") are completely different. Crack convictions, mostly black people, receive a larger sentence than cocaine sentencing. Well, no shit! Crack is more dangerous than cocaine and people don't do yayo on the fucking street corner.

I can already see troubles holding shit in on this fucking project.

Don't do it man, let it out! Silence for the sake of political correctness should be outlawed.
Younger kids that, as a copout, tell you "oh, well, you're dumb" if you disagree with their opinion/ musical tastes.

People who spell out OMG as "OH EM GEE!"
Asshole scene/straightedge kids...And their arm flailing that always manages to smash my face/breast/spine
Yea, the class also involves sexism and such. Our book is a compilation of articles which contain stories of women and minorities bitching about equality and discrimination. It's really a one-sided class.
It's the same thing I hear from students across America, the over-politically correct bullshit that's basically feminazi and black supremacy propaganda. I mean, they even teach "black history" over there. WTF?
The main difference is that in the US people are scared to death of being called a racist; they'd rather be called a pedophile than a racist. Speaking out against the proclivities of any race, creed, or religion lands you in hot water fast in the US. People still live under this notion that everyone is exactly the same and that no one is better than anyone else at certain things in life, and if you challenge that notion you are branded a hatemongering racist.

In Europe if you call someone a racist, they'll just say, "No I'm not...I'm just telling you how it is, and if you feel the need to tell everyone I'm a racist then go ahead, but it's just not true. Think of me what you will...I'm gonna have a sandwich now." Most people have this mindset here, so when people start screaming "RACISM!!!" and start pointing fingers, everyone else just rolls their eyes and returns to their coffee.

The Middle East will never stop hating the rest of the world and each other, black people will predominantly choose social standing among their peers rather than bettering themselves personally, WASPs will always look down their nose at those different than them, etc. etc. and so on. Of course there will always be exceptions but as long as our society is what it is, these things will never change. It's not necessarily a race issue in and of itself as much as it is a societal issue.
While we're on this subject, it REALLY irks me when people refer to Mexicans as Hispanic or Latino.

This is beyond political's just plain fucking asinine. I refer to the people that live here as MEXICANS because they are from MEXICO. Some people look at me like I'm a real asshole when I do this, and it bugs me.

It's bad enough that my own Mexican friends roll their eyes when it happens. "Don't call me Hispanic, Spanish, or Latino...I'm a fucking Mexican."
The main difference is that in the US people are scared to death of being called a racist; they'd rather be called a pedophile than a racist. Speaking out against the proclivities of any race, creed, or religion lands you in hot water fast in the US. People still live under this notion that everyone is exactly the same and that no one is better than anyone else at certain things in life, and if you challenge that notion you are branded a hatemongering racist.

In Europe if you call someone a racist, they'll just say, "No I'm not...I'm just telling you how it is, and if you feel the need to tell everyone I'm a racist then go ahead, but it's just not true. Think of me what you will...I'm gonna have a sandwich now." Most people have this mindset here, so when people start screaming "RACISM!!!" and start pointing fingers, everyone else just rolls their eyes and returns to their coffee.

The Middle East will never stop hating the rest of the world and each other, black people will predominantly choose social standing among their peers rather than bettering themselves personally, WASPs will always look down their nose at those different than them, etc. etc. and so on. Of course there will always be exceptions but as long as our society is what it is, these things will never change. It's not necessarily a race issue in and of itself as much as it is a societal issue.

You know dude, you seem to have Americans pegged pretty well. Do you get all your information from Fox news or what?

Heres the deal, most people don't give a flying fuck about race. I certainly would rather someone call me a racist than a pedophile and I'm American, uh-ho looks like your idea that US people are scared to death of being called a racist is incorrect and I'm sure if you walked up to a blackman in Europe and screamed at the top of your lungs "you my pals" he'd fuckin punch you in the face or maybe not who knows perhaps he wouldn't give a flying fuck and go on his way ignoring the crazy bastard who just called him a name that means nothing to him. Quit fucking generalizing people who you obliviously don't know anything about.
While we're on this subject, it REALLY irks me when people refer to Mexicans as Hispanic or Latino.

This is beyond political's just plain fucking asinine. I refer to the people that live here as MEXICANS because they are from MEXICO. Some people look at me like I'm a real asshole when I do this, and it bugs me.

It's bad enough that my own Mexican friends roll their eyes when it happens. "Don't call me Hispanic, Spanish, or Latino...I'm a fucking Mexican."

Everyone has their own unique identification with culture, ethnicity, and race. Terms like Latino and Hispanic were created for people who were tired of all Spanish speakers from the Americas being called Mexicans. There are people of Mexican ancestry that identify with those terms just as there are those who insist on being called "Tejanos" or even "Mexican-Americans." I know a Cherokee who prefers to be called an Indian because he thinks "Native American" sounds stupid, and I know a Sioux who is very vocal and proud to be Sioux and doesn't want to be lumped in with those other tribes.

None of it has much scientific basis, it is all about what people identify with and believe themselves to be, so I say call yourself whatever you want, but don't expect others to identify you the same way you identify yourself.