Silly things that make you irrationately/unproportionately annoyed or upset

You get the same thing on DeviantArt. All those tartlets cram as much keywords into their descriptions as possible, so that you need to wade through tones of shyte with every search you do.

Very irritating indeed. However you can now sift through everything via categories and sub-categories... Very handy.
Anime fans. Now, I should clarify. There's some anime I like. But the fans annoy me.
Oh man, this. Weaboos piss me off.

Also people who are deliberately jerky while driving. Like someone will get in front of me and purposely not give me enough room to turn! D:
DA would be a neat art place if not for the bull crap. Bad tagging is very annoying.

Getting your show deleted off the DVR is a good irritating thing. Its why I'm glad for hulu, if its on there that is.
Fuck. Cigarette bums. I don't even smoke and I get hit up at least twice daily for cigarettes. Do I have a sign on me that says "smoker?" Maybe it's because I wheeze like an enphyzematic occasionally, but you'd think that'd put people off. It doesn't. Buy your own cigarettes, fuckers.
That nasty throat noise people make when chugging something. Old people are especially bad with this.

Also, people (it's usually blond women or female metalheads), who use the word "bitches" in place of something like "you guys" or "y'all".
John, seriously... PLEASE figure out the difference between quotations and parenthesis. You're halfway there with that last sentence.
I only have one wigger friend.

Ok, you want an example? Julia who used to host the metal show Uranium on Fuse. That type, you know the type. Come on. Another example? That lady who had it out for the guitarist on Warrel's solo album. Julie, I think? She was trying to promote some underground metal thing.

There, two examples.
I don't know what kind of blondes and metal chicks you've been hanging out with, but I think you may be confusing them with your wannabe wigger friends.

Actually the one woman I know who does that is like a fake metalhead. She listens to shitty core bands and thinks she's "hard" or something. In actuality she's a repressed Catholic who's scared to have sex, subscribes to the most wildly irrational brand of femenism, and is clearly compensating for something.