Silly things that make you irrationately/unproportionately annoyed or upset

Actually the one woman I know who does that is like a fake metalhead. She listens to shitty core bands and thinks she's "hard" or something. In actuality she's a repressed Catholic who's scared to have sex, subscribes to the most wildly irrational brand of femenism, and is clearly compensating for something.

Thank you. That's the type.

Wigger girls don't even say "bitches" in that context, Isabel.
Sorry, I forget I'm from the south sometimes. People who speak with no southern accent here still tend to use the word. It's also become ghetto slang so that includes the minorities.
Derick's uncle in Maryland says "y'all" but it sounds all wrong, comes out something like "yole" with that Merlin accent. There's nothing wrong with "y'all" :mad: :p

However, this reminds me of something else that irks me. "Ya'll"----THAT'S NOT RIGHT. Put the apostrophe where it belongs, dammit.
There's nothing wrong with "y'all" :mad: :p
Over here, it's, well, associated with the South, and more specifically, rednecks, is all :)

However, this reminds me of something else that irks me. "Ya'll"----THAT'S NOT RIGHT. Put the apostrophe where it belongs, dammit.
Damn right. That irks me too. Or miswritten silent vowels, like "contamanate" or "imatate" or "arteficial" and stuff.
Kind of related, when people, usually fatties, breathe heavily when they eat. Like they just sprinted a couple miles.

I honestly find it nauseating.

Revolting. :ill:

I get severe road rage/stress. Irrational by definition, it's increasingly so since I can be a careless driver when unfocussed.
People who for some reason, smack their lips over and over as if they had peanut butter in their mouth when concentrating or thinking of something... I trained one cashier back in my last job who did it all the fucking time, and it irritated the shit outta me.
If I'm stopped at a red light or in traffic and I inch up the tiniest little bit, it irks me to no end if the person behind me inches up too. I purposely leave a good amount of space between my car and the car in front of me so that I can move up a little bit if the car behind me is right up my ass and then YOU FUCKING MOVE UP TOO. I guess I formed the habit with my old car that would roll backwards a bit and always being afraid I'd smash into the front of the car behind me. Anyway - stay where you are, that quarter inch is my personal space, ASSHOLE.

And wtf is up with people that honk if you don't immediately hit the gas the second the light turns green? Perhaps I am waiting for the fucker who is running the red light to finish crossing the intersection before I take off. Fuck.

People who linger on telephone calls. If I say "alright I'll talk to you later" or "gotta go" - YOU SHUT UP. End of conversation.

Picking/clipping nails or toenails, or scratching and picking at skin or when the dog is incessantly biting or licking some part of him ...HATE.

And the classic - people in stores parking their shopping carts in the middle of the aisle and wandering around, oblivious to the idea that anyone might want to get by.
If I'm stopped at a red light or in traffic and I inch up the tiniest little bit, it irks me to no end if the person behind me inches up too. I purposely leave a good amount of space between my car and the car in front of me so that I can move up a little bit if the car behind me is right up my ass and then YOU FUCKING MOVE UP TOO. I guess I formed the habit with my old car that would roll backwards a bit and always being afraid I'd smash into the front of the car behind me. Anyway - stay where you are, that quarter inch is my personal space, ASSHOLE.

And wtf is up with people that honk if you don't immediately hit the gas the second the light turns green? Perhaps I am waiting for the fucker who is running the red light to finish crossing the intersection before I take off. Fuck.

People who linger on telephone calls. If I say "alright I'll talk to you later" or "gotta go" - YOU SHUT UP. End of conversation.

Picking/clipping nails or toenails, or scratching and picking at skin or when the dog is incessantly biting or licking some part of him ...HATE.

And the classic - people in stores parking their shopping carts in the middle of the aisle and wandering around, oblivious to the idea that anyone might want to get by.

Excellent post.
People who for some reason, smack their lips over and over as if they had peanut butter in their mouth when concentrating or thinking of something... I trained one cashier back in my last job who did it all the fucking time, and it irritated the shit outta me.

Holy crap I know what you mean. Mine's a little different, but I can't stand people who do that clucking noise with their tongue and the roof of their mouth when they're thinking. They usually tap their fingers when they do it too. Argh, it pisses me off just thinking about it.
People who feel the need to pop their gum while chewing. Chew with your mouth closed, you fucking pig.

Sitting on public transportation when the person beside you won't shut up.

Piss left on the seat in the women's room

oh and one more thing. People who have a problem moving for me when I have to get into an aisle. I have a big ass. MOVE OUT OF MY WAY!