Silly things that make you irrationately/unproportionately annoyed or upset

Oh yeah, dumb chicks wearing their pants stuffed into big fuzzy boots when it still feels like springtime outside. Yes, it is November, but the thermometer doesn't lie. STOP DENYING THAT IT'S HOT. I bet their feet stink.
Nikki said:
Piss left on the seat in the women's room

This. It's all because of those goddamn squatters who think that for some reason you can get diseased by touching a toilet seat. And if there's visible piss splatter on the seat obviously I'm going to squat too, which just perpetuates the cycle of pissy toilets!
I normally use one toilet outside the house when this is the case, becuase pretty much no one else uses it, and it is kept immaculate. Sometimes, good co-workers are the key to acceptable toiletry.
Werd. I don't shit away from home or work unless I absolutely have to. If I'm just out drinking or hanging out and will eventually make it home that night, I can wait.
I think shitting isn't such a big deal to girls since we have to sit down anyway.

And I'm only good at hovering when I'm drunk, because that's when I'm at shitty bars/venues where I would want to avoid touching the toilet seat. A prime example of conditional learning.
We do squats during warmup at jiu-jitsu and on the last one we always stay down and hover for about 30 seconds while loosening our hips up. It's really improved my ability to shit in the woods while camping.
incredibly slow computers
pop culture
"music" on the radio
people who are into bands they know absolutely nothing about outside of the music (who band members are, what other bands they were in, etc)
If I'm stopped at a red light or in traffic and I inch up the tiniest little bit, it irks me to no end if the person behind me inches up too. I purposely leave a good amount of space between my car and the car in front of me so that I can move up a little bit if the car behind me is right up my ass and then YOU FUCKING MOVE UP TOO. I guess I formed the habit with my old car that would roll backwards a bit and always being afraid I'd smash into the front of the car behind me. Anyway - stay where you are, that quarter inch is my personal space, ASSHOLE.
Omfg, yes.
People who pass on double yellow lines make me want to fucking kill things! Early morning traffic, people do this alot or way out on Highway 4 and shit. WHAT THE HELL!! I mean, people want to get in a wreck? Fuckers...