Similar bands...

Actually both Wintersun and Ensiferum are both quite basic folk metal and there's nothing so unique about them anymore. There are tons of bands like them atleast here in Finland these days.
drkluscious said:
Dimmu Borgir is somewhat similair to Kalmah, the main difference is that Kalmah is waaaayyyy better.

But there are a few good Dimmu songs.

DB similair to kalmah? yeah right, and eminem is similair to Britney Spears.
please posting your crap if you don't know shit about bands..:(
To the Grave said:
DB similair to kalmah? yeah right, and eminem is similair to Britney Spears.
please posting your crap if you don't know shit about bands..:(

Take it easy, all I said was that DB was somewhat similair. Have you heard the song Mourning Palace? The keyboard and drums sound a tad kalmah-ish.

Besides, Britney is pop and Eminem is rap. Atleast both DM and Kalmah are death metal, so isnt your example a little extreme?
Kalmah can obviously be compared to bands like Children of Bodom and Norther, because of that trademark Finnish metal tone. However in my opinion Kalmah is one of the more original sounding of the Finnish scene. They have a significantly dirtier, rougher tone than the others. A few of these were already posted, but heres my list + links.

Children of Bodom -
Skyfire -
Norther -
Imperanon -
Evemaster -
Wintersun -

If you like the neoclassical guitar leads, blackish vocals, and happy keyboards on speed, then this list should tickle your fancy. Or something. \m/
I've listened to Wintersun and didn't liked it... the vocals suck, and I didn't liked the guitarrists technique.
Yeah same for me!

Imperanon it good too. even if the guys are younger that me LOL ..those guys have like less that 20 years,oneis older but ......anyway they doing pretty good.
drkluscious said:
Take it easy, all I said was that DB was somewhat similair. Have you heard the song Mourning Palace? The keyboard and drums sound a tad kalmah-ish.

Besides, Britney is pop and Eminem is rap. Atleast both DM and Kalmah are death metal, so isnt your example a little extreme?

Dimmu Borgir are Black Metal, while Kalmah are melodic Death Metal. Youve phailed
one big problem with calling skyfire finnish metal is that the fact is, they are swedish, though skyfire are fucking sick, and are a great band, bu are indeed swedish, unless im the asshole and they are finnish, but im almost positive that they are swedish
Asgath said:
Dimmu Borgir are Black Metal, while Kalmah are melodic Death Metal. Youve phailed

I'm not like I'm comparing a rapper to a pop singer, both black and death metal are somewhat similair!
one big problem with calling skyfire finnish metal is that the fact is, they are swedish, though skyfire are fucking sick, and are a great band, bu are indeed swedish, unless im the asshole and they are finnish, but im almost positive that they are swedish
They are indeed Swedish, and they are fucking of my 5 favorite bands. I just listed them among the Finnish because of their sound.
Thanks for the hints.
Didn't knew Mors Principium Est and Skyfire before but allready ordered their CDs. By searching for the mentioned Bands, also learned abou "The Forsaken" and "Pandemonium", sounds good too.
imperanon are fucking cool, wintersun are alright besides the gothic singing and i don't really like their guitar style. check out this local band by where I live their more melodic black metal but sound like kalmah and have killer fuckin solos.

Tower of Babel
Hollow Man said:
Thanks for the hints.
Didn't knew Mors Principium Est and Skyfire before but allready ordered their CDs. By searching for the mentioned Bands, also learned abou "The Forsaken" and "Pandemonium", sounds good too.
ummm, that's nice and all but they are not similar bands. Atleast The Forsaken are swedish death but Pandemonium is silly punk rock.....
SergeantD1 said:
ummm, that's nice and all but they are not similar bands. Atleast The Forsaken are swedish death but Pandemonium is silly punk rock.....
...are we talking about the same band? The Pandemonium that I meant is also swedish melo-death (

And second, how do you define similar? First thing for me is that their music is similar in some way, cause that's what I like. So I don't care if they're finnish or swedish as long as I like their sound. :)