Since when is there a new Reverend Bizarre album?

Yea, I vaguely remember reading something about them planning on breaking up after making the album. Initially they were planning on a total of 5 albums, but scrapped that plan, I think. I could be making this up.
III: So Long Suckers!

It's 2 hours of fucking DOOM. Last album, and it's pretty fucking awesome. :kickass:
Hm, so it's good you say? What's it like compard to the previous (?) one Crush the Insects? That one had a few good tracks I thought, but was overall pretty dull.
It's a collection of pretty sweet but massively long Doom.

I haven't managed to sit through the entire album in a row yet. It's hard to find the time!
I've yet to be impressed by these dudes, but I've only heard various mp3s while sitting in front of a computer, and that doesn't cut it for this type of stuff.

The plan: I ask which is their best album, people answer, the consensus is what I purchase and then prepare my eardrums for proper overvolume assault. The end result will be me giving them a fair shake.

So, which is their best album to start with?
I've only heard In the Reactory and Crush the Insects, and overall I'd say they're both "good", but not really spectacular in any way. As for recomedations, ItR would probably be a good place to start, since it's pretty solid and not as much "all over the place" as CtI
Yeah so I heard that 2 hour III album right, I was totally wrong about these dudes. It's fucking amazing.

I admit to my mistakes. Occasionally.
So Long Suckers is so good that Morningrise and The August Engine are looking at me with those jealous eyes and worrying that it's going to move in.

OK. So after listening to the new Rev Bizarre after seeing a quote like that, I was expecting to hear something that surpassed Warning's Watching From a Distance. Not even close.

When it comes to doom (well, at least from within this decade), WfaD is the be all end all. It talks the talk and walks the walk...
You know, Ali, that brings me to another question. Have we heard any new bands taking up a WFaD-influenced sound in the past year or whatever?

Bound to happen eventually. Or, it SHOULD.
OK. So after listening to the new Rev Bizarre after seeing a quote like that, I was expecting to hear something that surpassed Warning's Watching From a Distance. Not even close.

When it comes to doom (well, at least from within this decade), WfaD is the be all end all. It talks the talk and walks the walk...

Weird, I was underwhelmed by the Warning album...