Singers that sound amazing in the studio but are horrible live (and vice versa)

I thought Mille was excellent when I saw them last year.

yeah that. Hegg-san may not be the BEST VOCALIST IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE but he is hardly "horrible"

Actually, I tend towards the BEST VOCALIST IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE side there. Or at least, his performance on Twilight of the Thunder God is one of the beastliest death metal vocal performances ever.
Stu Block from Into Eternity is an awesome singer on album but he trys to hit all the high notes live and he fails every single time. I've seen them about 6 or 7 times. They play with every fucking band imaginable.

When I saw Amon Amarth live they got boring after 3 or 4 songs so I couldn't really tell if Johan Hegg was good or not I just blocked it out, and I really dig AA for the most part.

Tobias Sammet from Edguy/Avantasia is an amazing performer and could probably out sing just about anyone live.
Gotta love the Priest-worship from the guitarists.

Also, as much of a faggot as intophagist is, I have to agree that Sammet is a god damn brilliant vocalist who completely wastes his talent trying to pretend it's the 80s and he's Bon Jovi, but older stuff from both his projects kicks ass.