Singers who sound like ... other singers!

It seems I should have used "machen" instead of "bilde"

My wife is very disappointed in me and it seems I will get no ass tonight

I should have studied more ... I thought she would be impressed but you never can tell with those Germans
It seems I should have used "machen" instead of "bilde"

My wife is very disappointed in me and it seems I will get no ass tonight

I should have studied more ... I thought she would be impressed but you never can tell with those Germans

I thought bilden made the sentence cool.
And for teh randomz


But I can give you a hint Los, it's actually quite easy to see if a german is impressed or not:

If germans don't do a dance like that

then they aren't.

Same applies for austrians, but we do that while wearing a sissi dress and/or the same hair as this dude
