Singing In My Time of Need.. as well as other Opeth stuff


Unohduksen Lapsi
Oct 14, 2003
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Heyall. One of the reason I like Opeth is my love to sing/play some of the songs, mostly the mellow onces that can be played more or less good enough with only one guitar. I have big probles singing the speak-one-word verses of In My Time of Need though. I cant breath at all and my voice breaks, if I try to take a breath after every word. Does anyone know how Åkerfeld does it? Anyone seen the song played live? It's one of my favourite song and I'd really like to learn it.

All the other stories, tips, suggestions for songs and related stuff with playing/singing Opeth would be cool aswell. :cool:
It's sung just like a regular song, only he doesn't fully "sing" it, it's closer to talking rhythmic notes, so just sing out less and you won't run out of breath I think.
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
It's sung just like a regular song, only he doesn't fully "sing" it, it's closer to talking rhythmic notes, so just sing out less and you won't run out of breath I think.

like RAP ROFL.
And then once you master playing and singing it, record it and add it to the Opeth Tribute album :grin:
I cant sing to save myself so i cant help alot. But if u want to see them play this live, you cant beat the Lamentations DVD... suprised nobody mentioned it.
It still is a big problem for me even if try to sing less. :erk: Maybe I just have small lungs or something, I guess I should try to take a couple of singing lessons to learn how to breath better or something.