Six Feet Under - Graveyard Classics 2 WTF?

HHAAHHA God I hate this band! And here is a great review on the new and well not new just a cover album...Very inventive of these guys i think.

"Are these guys for real? I’m actually tempted to stop with this review right now such is my disgust at SFU’s blatant attention grabbing exercise with Graveyard Classics II. This is all too painful.
Not content with contaminating the listening world with some horrendous cover versions on GYC I, Chris Barnes and his cronies thought it would be a good laugh to continue the exercise. But wait…rather than pick another selection of old individual classic, they’ve decided to record in its entirety, AC/DC’s ‘Back in Black’. Yep, ‘Hells Bells’ through to ‘Noise Pollution’, SFU run through the whole 1980 classic in their own fucked up style. You think they’re going to catch some hell for this? Darn right they are!!
In my mind, there is no question that Chris Barnes knows exactly what he is doing with GYC II. He knows he’ll cop the wrath of 99% of the metal media for this exercise in stupidity, but true to form, Barnes doesn’t give a toss. He thinks it’s all a bit of a laugh. He’d ask us not to take it all so seriously, lighten up and listen to GYC II for what it is – four guys doing death metal versions of one of the all time classic heavy rock albums. At a stretch I can tolerate that. The thing I can’t fathom is the absolute arrogance SFU display in attempting this stunt (and that’s all it is, a stunt!) in the first place. Sure, a cover version tacked on the end of an original album is great for novelty value, but a whole version of ONE album? Moreover, not only asking their Metal Blade to financially back them on it, but also asking their fan base to fork out their hard earned further escalates the superciliousness of the scheme.
If you’ve never rated cover versions anything more than novelty value, GYC II won’t endear you any further. SFU are a bog standard, lowest common denominator death metal band – quite why they believe in their ability to pull off hard rock cover versions is beyond me. GYC 1 should have been the end of their little experiment. It wasn’t done well then, and it certainly hasn’t improved on GYC II. Furthermore, quite why anyone would actually BUY this disc in favor of actually pulling out the original copy of ‘Back in Black’ (cos’ everyone’s got it) is another perplexing question that has me quivering in fear.
GYC II is thoroughly pointless. It serves absolutely no purpose other than to amuse the band themselves. They have trashed one of the all time classic metal albums from start to finish on this disc basically for their own enjoyment. It’s dull and lifeless, displaying none of the energy and vigor of the original album. What’s more, with Barnes out front it is vocally desecrated. GYC II is a joke gone too far, a tasteless exercise in sheer arrogance and self-importance. SFU may hold AC/DC in high regard, but it has done nothing for their reputation. If they ever had one, it is now in absolute tatters. Shocking!
PS: Having read this, please do everything you can to hear some of this album. You need to know how bad it actually is. BUT PLEASE, DO NOT PAY A CENT IN THE PROCESS!!
Rating: 0/10 Website: "
When you think there are actual people who listen to this donkey pile of poo-poo. Taking a trip to SFU's message board is enough to see the level of intelligence going on their forum. Their forum is like a cross between, redneck inbreds mixed in with cuban illegals freshly introduced to metal and a good touch of happy Gilmore meets Barney.
If I was drugged out as often as Chris (and I'm close, mind you) I'd do a cover tribute album dedicated to David Bowie for the songs he did for a movie called The Labyrinth, if ya'll old schoolers remember that one...
Belgar said:
... Their forum is like a cross between, redneck inbreds mixed in with cuban illegals freshly introduced to metal and a good touch of happy Gilmore meets Barney.

That is the perfect description of the band itself:loco:
(BTW: you should try writing reviews for cd's or movies. You have the necessary style for that. Really:) )

Yeah, did look on their board... Nice people there... especially the monkey smileys are plainly fantastic... and they reflect the niveau of the users :)

But there's one big question left for me:
Why do people like SFU?! I mean they have nothing to give. Their music is bloodless, nothing special, whether technical nor groovy nor likable. (Bearable perhaps for 15 minutes, but thats no reasons for spending money for...)
There's only Chris Barnes (big names for milking the cash-cow. Thats this album's purpose I guess). And I have to admit that I like George's CC parts more then his.... So... Help me! :)
why wont it stop!!! sfu just needs to fall off the planet bad... they havent made a good album since...... oh wait they havent! and barnes is so fucking dried up omg i cant take his voice its so so so so so bad omfg its horrible! i dont know why they push there music so hard. i never see death metal videos mass produced. closest i find is sepultura chaos ad videos. but theres like 100sfu videos in like any store.... fucking wal-mart has em due to redneck popularity even.. fuckin a.

"me and josh were looking for a new drummer for a.c. sometime in 1996 (before we got nate). the only reason we went to the six feet under show was to hand out flyers looking for a new drummer. while 6fu were on, we were heckling them. after the show, chris barnes grabbed me by the shirt, which felt like being grabbed by a weak 2 year old. i asked him if he wanted to fight me outside, and he said yes. stupidly, i turned my back to walk out the front door and fight that gay midget faggot. as my back was turned, i got jumped by about 5 of his roadies/friends/whatever. the bouncers threw me out. chris barnes never touched me. i had some kid go up to the 6fu tour bus and ask barnes if he still wanted to fight me, by himself. he stayed on the bus, and probably blew a bunch of guys or something."

hahaha seth rules.
that reminds me of that time that rob barret pushed me. i just walkin to go outside... my bro was walkin by him and hes like go ahead man... i was directly behind my bro and rob push me and is like "make way for the metal gods!" and im like... wtf... you just told us to go ahead. but i just shut my mouth and kept walking because if i were to argue with him... well.. everyone there woulda try to kill me... hes got the ego stylings of the kreator guys.... only .... hes not as big a "star/metal god".... in fact... ima go burn my malevolent shirts now...
DemonsAndLies666 said:
that reminds me of that time that rob barret pushed me. i just walkin to go outside... my bro was walkin by him and hes like go ahead man... i was directly behind my bro and rob push me and is like "make way for the metal gods!" and im like... wtf... you just told us to go ahead. but i just shut my mouth and kept walking because if i were to argue with him... well.. everyone there woulda try to kill me... hes got the ego stylings of the kreator guys.... only .... hes not as big a "star/metal god".... in fact... ima go burn my malevolent shirts now...
Superjoint Ritual-Breakfast of Champions.

btw Amonn I wanna check out this sludgy affair you on your profile. Fucking Eyehategod, Goatsnake, Toadliquor, what the fuck these boys are insane.
Graveyard classics dosnt sound to good then eh?

P.S. Demon, I love you