Six Feet Under - Graveyard Classics 2 WTF?

sorry folks...i was a little drunk whilst i guess i'll just say it aloud rather than deleting random posts to get my point accross, Asgath, don't just try and make Demons mad, or i can assure you that none of your posts will last very long

Sorry for fuckin up the thread guys...
meh, could be worse. i wouldnt worry about throwing the thread to shit. i mean realy... how good can a six feet under thread get?

but ima not worry about asgath. hes just some lonely loser.... probably mexican.... hes realy just making himself look gay and noone realy thinks hes funny or cool... so... =\
Patric said:
Superjoint Ritual-Breakfast of Champions.

btw Amonn I wanna check out this sludgy affair you on your profile. Fucking Eyehategod, Goatsnake, Toadliquor, what the fuck these boys are insane.

Hah.. even tho i havent smoked the shit in a year or something ill still smoke your ass off :lol: i mean im dutch, you dont have a chance. Ive had mushrooms 3 times in a period of 5 months when i was 13.. dont get me wrong im not some junkie or what ever.. i mean if u use cocain here every week its pretty standard (and im not doing that shit).. anyway im glad im off the weed.

bout the album, tho the review says i need to listen it, im not even gonna take my lazy ass off the chair to get to the store to listen it

i need sleep.. MUCH sleep
i don't know, I can't really fight it, cause people always keep on replying.

and as for outsmoking patric, you may be able to, but that guy's pretty intense, he decided to try and overdose on pills once because phil anselmo has done it three times. Lame reason, but still, intense.
wow.. well.. thats not the shit i do.. all i ever did was weed mushrooms and alcohol, and now i just do alcohol and weed once in a while. well.. it was actually a joke (the smokin him out part) cos i dont know him ofcourse.
Funny thing is that after seeing 6feet shitter at Wacken ... well this band really belongs in a graveyard ... I can't believe so many people were into Chris Branes rasta-screeching style with how so heavy songs and the easy 2 beat and same guitar riffs for 5 minutes. They did finish with a ACDC song which was even worse. Guess one has to have a shitload of crap in their ears to even appreciate their music. (I admit that a few songs of the 1st album are ok)
Knarfi said:
wow.. well.. thats not the shit i do.. all i ever did was weed mushrooms and alcohol, and now i just do alcohol and weed once in a while. well.. it was actually a joke (the smokin him out part) cos i dont know him ofcourse.

i knew you were kidding, it's just that challenging Patric to a getting fucked up contest isn't a good idea. Giving credit where credit is due, as it was.
Belgar said:
When you think there are actual people who listen to this donkey pile of poo-poo. Taking a trip to SFU's message board is enough to see the level of intelligence going on their forum. Their forum is like a cross between, redneck inbreds mixed in with cuban illegals freshly introduced to metal and a good touch of happy Gilmore meets Barney.
Thanks for the insult Einstein cos I guess that u must have known the metal from Decades!!!