SixPounder music video.?

There will be a DVD, sure- Bodom were filming like hell for it... i guess they've video material for about 60 DVDs right now! So hopefully it's going to be released soon... perhaps middle of next year... cause they aren't going to release a new CD next year, so it would be a cool thing.... let's see!
Oh, yeah, non windows users. Do this:

-Install windows

-Install emule

-Click on links

Just joking, i dunno if there are linux versions of these programs :confused:
You mean this message?

sixpounder musicvideo starts like this:
This guy takes a women out of a cars backbox. he takes the women inside to a house. warmen plays his synth with alcoholbottle in his left hand. the alcoholbotltle is in a paperbag. laiho is spitting. worms
Yes, do you think it´s true?? I don´t.
That´s propably just some stupid fucker who likes to mess with everyone and lie!!
I think the video isn't even released yet and nobody has seen it yet. Spinefarm own the rights on it and they can decide when it should be released. The first places where it could appear are in the Finnish TV, maybe somewhere in the internet as MPG and on the forthcoming COB DVD.
yep that´s absolutely true. and in the part where comes the 6 6 6 "pounder", so, in the video you can´t hear "pounder" . it´s taken away.
I´ve seen it.
I´ve seen people saying: "it´s not out".
I´m happy.